ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Dr. Seuss Sales Soar After Publishers Withdraw Six Books With Racist Caricatures

In the wake of the decision by Dr. Seuss Enterprises to stop printing and selling If I Ran the Zoo, And to Think That...

Illinois’s Reopening Rules Make No Sense For Chicago’s Arts Venues

Under the current Phase 4 of Gov. Pritzker's five-phase plan, indoor gatherings are limited to a maximum capacity of 50% or 50 people per...

BAM Gave Its President Nearly $1 Million To Buy New Apartment (And Then She...

When the Brooklyn Academy of Music hired Katy Clark as its new CEO, the board wanted her to live in Brooklyn, where real estate...

New York City Is Reopening Movie Theaters

"It was a surprise to many when Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced without fanfare last week that movie theaters in the five boroughs could open...

COVID Is Back At La Scala Ballet

The opera house's regular testing regimen revealed that 35 dancers and three administrative staffers at the ballet company had the novel coronavirus. Performances, rehearsals,...

Germany To Start Reopening Museums

"Chancellor Angela Merkel and German state leaders have agreed to start easing restrictions. If coronavirus cases are below 100 per 100,000 people over seven...

What Exactly Constitutes A Good Female Body For Ballet?

Gia Kourlas: "For Lovette, a member of New York City Ballet since 2010, this pause from performance has brought some clarity. 'I'm not...

Streaming Music Is Big Business — So Why Do Classical Musicians Get So Little...

The payout to a musician from a Spotify subscriber is about $.003 per stream — and only one-fifteenth of that tiny figure for a...

Chris Barber, Trombonist Who Shaped Britain’s Jazz Scene, Dead At 90

" was one of the most accessible and charismatic figures to emerge from the New Orleans-inspired jazz revivalist movement that played such a significant...

COVID Could Not Stop The Wooster Group

"They're our holy fools, who — even when no one is watching — keep the art's sacred fires burning. Rehearsal isn't so much a...

Alt-Weeklies Looked Doomed Even Before The Pandemic. Here’s How Some Of Them Have Hung...

The structural troubles those papers were facing before 2020 were bad enough; then COVID shut down their main sources of ad revenue (performance venues,...

Why Do Asian Actors Keep Getting Overlooked For Awards, Even As The Films They’re...

Parasite got six Oscar nominations and four awards, none of them for any of its actors. That case continued a pattern that has held...

How Weird Are This Season’s Tony Awards Going To Be?

Weirder than ever before, no doubt. As the voters fill out their ballots this week and next, none of the shows they're considering have...

Read Nabokov’s Long-Lost Superman Poem, Now In Print At Last

"The Man of To-morrow's Lament" — written as the superhero's internal monologue as he walks through the city with Lois Lane, ruing that they...

Small-Scale Indoor Performances To Return To New York In April

" said that arts, entertainment and events venues can reopen April 2 at 33 percent capacity, with a limit of 100 people indoors or...

Louvre Gets Back 450-Year-Old Armor Stolen 39 Years Ago

"A military antiques expert alerted police after being called in to give advice regarding an inheritance in Bordeaux in January and becoming suspicious about...

Reviving Mosul’s Cultural Museum, Six Years After ISIS Destroyed It

It was six years ago last week that extremist forces rampaged through the place, smashing ancient Assyrian sculptures with sledgehammers, burning books, looting anything...

So Who Made Pantone The Boss Of Colors Anyway?

Pantone started out, under another name, as a printing company, and one of its employees, Larry Herbert, got tired of trying to figure out...

‘Lolita’ Is A Horrifying Story. How Does It Keep Getting Past Obscenity Laws, Let...

Lady Chatterley's Lover, which now seems almost anodyne, was the subject of a criminal prosecution in 1960, but Lolita, which came out the previous...

Ice Music: Performing Pieces On, And For, Literally Frozen Instruments

"Carved instruments can be either completely made of ice, such as horns and percussion, or hybrids, like harps, in which the main body is...

On Zoom, Vimeo, PBS, Or An iPod, If A Theatre Company Does It, Is...

Says the artistic director of a Twin Cities company, "I believe that theatre is storytelling and we are creating a new hybrid art form....

At The Detroit Symphony’s Virtual Orchestra Hall, Inside The Head Of A (Virtual) Listener

Michael Andor Brodeur: "I'm 'here' to virtually attend a rehearsal of Stride, a stirring newer work from the British composer Anna Clyne. And Clyne...

Where AI Can Really Help Public Radio

That would be transcription, which is prohibitively expensive to do for every segment but which makes it far easier for potential users to find...

Roger Englander, Pioneering Producer Of Classical Music On TV, Dead At 94

At NBC in Philadelphia, he produced the first-ever telecast of a complete opera, Menotti's The Telephone, and he followed up by putting together Menotti's...

Requiring Audiences To Present Vaccine Passports — Would It Be Feasible?

On the surface, it certainly seems as if asking ticket buyers to show proof of COVID vaccination would be a good, quick way to...
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