Two Presidents Of Pace Gallery Step Down After Allegations Of Abuse And Ethics Breaches
"Douglas Baxter and Susan Dunne, who have worked at the dealership for decades, are leaving the gallery" in a restructuring of top management. "Their...
France’s Erstwhile ‘Museum Of The Colonies’ Is Now Led By The Son Of A...
"Pap Ndiaye, a historian and academic of Senegalese and French descent, was last month appointed to revitalize the Palais de la Porte Dorée —...
Italy’s Highest Court Saves 800-Year-Old Monastery From Steve Bannon
"The Council of State ruled that the Culture Ministry was correct in cancelling the concession it had given to the Dignitatis Humanae Institute," a...
Should Museums Tell The Public About Missing Art?
"Museums have at times withheld information about thefts, fearing that revealing security weaknesses could make other institutions less likely to loan them art or...
What Made Graham Greene So Peripatetic? Misery
Constant bullying at school (he was the headmaster's son, and he paid for it); repeated adolescent suicide attempts; Benzedrine and Nembutal and lots (and...
As Ballet Companies Move Toward Reopening Without Knowing What The Rules Will Be, How...
"'What would you do if you had no idea when a season would begin, what venue capacity you could perform in and what the...
America Will Get Performing Arts Back This Summer — In Open-Air Spaces
"All around the country, companies that normally produce outdoors but were unable to do so last year are making plans to reopen, while those...
Protests By Arts Workers Demanding Reopening Spread All Over France
"Some 30 theatres and concert halls are occupied in Strasbourg, Lille, Nantes, Châteauroux, Toulouse, Besançon, Marseille, and Saint-Etienne. All of the culture workers inside...
Is MoviePass About To Return From The Dead?
The "Icarus of subscription services" seemed too good to be true when it started selling $9.99-a-month memberships that would let you see a movie...
More Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Found, The First In 60 Years
"The Israel Antiquities Authority, which carried out the excavations, believes the new scroll, written in Greek, is actually a missing part of the “Book...
AAMD (Barely) Rejects Extending Lenient Rules On Deaccessioning Art
"In an informal poll, members of the Association of Art Museum have voted 91-88 against asking its trustees to explore a controversial change in...
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Approves Musicians’ Contract With No Pay Cuts
"The pact, announced this week, was passed unanimously by the musicians, the SPCO board and the board of the American Federation of Musicians Local...
Yet Another Director Forced To Resign From Berlin’s Volksbühne
Three years after Chris Dercon ended his brief, dissension-plagued tenure at the theatre, his successor as artistic director, Klaus Dörr, quit after it became...
‘Poetry Out Of Pragmatism’: An Assessment Of Pritzker Prize Winners Anne Lacaton And Jean-Philippe...
Oliver Wainwright: "It is a fitting moment for a prize once reserved for flamboyant sculptors of icons to be awarded to a practice that...
Pritzker Prize Goes To Architects Whose Motto Is ‘Never Demolish’
More fully stated, the professional creed of Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal is "Never demolish, never remove or replace, always add, transform, and reuse!"...
Theatre Leaders In Five Countries Talk About How Their Companies Have Coped With The...
Ivo van Hove at the Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Stéphane Braunschweig at the Odéon in Paris, Thomas Ostermeier at the Schaubühne in Berlin, Kajsa Giertz...
Will Russians Have To Run All Cultural Programming Past Censors Again?
"Over 1,000 cultural figures, including artists and curators, have addressed a letter to President Vladimir Putin and parliamentarians expressing fears that law is...
‘Little Did I Know’: A Theater Critic Considers The Anniversary Of The COVID Shutdown
Helen Shaw: "The pandemic has been a period of getting a lot of 'little did I know' stuff out into the open, including (but...
Could Netflix Transform Africa’s Cinema Ecosystem?
In Sub-Saharan Africa there are and have been numerous impressive filmmakers, but only Nigeria and South Africa have fully developed industries in which films...
Netflix And Amazon Want To Make Lots More Programming In India, But Hindu Nationalists...
"U.S. video streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are looking to the Indian market to power their global growth. But their shows...
Boris Johnson Says The Elgin Marbles Will Not Be Returned To Greece
"Boris Johnson has used his first interview with a European newspaper since becoming the UK's prime minister to issue a point-blank rejection of the...
What Should A COVID Memorial Look Like?
Justin Davidson: "No memorial, no matter how grand or artful, can encompass the infinite varieties of pain, or comfort everyone who experienced a global...
Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Will Happen This Year, But Outdoors Only
"Even by the standards of 2020, Jacob's Pillow had a tough year. Not only did the dance center in Becket, Mass., have to cancel...
Comparing Different Countries’ Pandemic Relief Funding For The Arts
"We added up the total emergency cultural aid packages from nine countries around the globe to show you how they compare. We looked at...
Why Did It Take Four Years For Spain’s National Library To Report The Theft...
"The technical department had known that the original had been replaced by a copy since May 2014, when book restorers discovered it by accident...