ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Journalist Janet Malcolm, 86

"A longtime New Yorker staff writer and the author of several books, the Prague native practiced a kind of post-modern style in which she...

America Slow Dance

That’s the name of a variation on “America the Beautiful” that I wrote for Min Kwon’s America/Beautiful project.But wait … what IS that? -...

Hello, Toscanini. And Hello, Doris Day — Hiding out from 2021 in the 1950s

On many days lately, the last places I've wanted to be are 2020 and 2021. I've been retreating to the 1950s, creating in my...

Mark George prepares youth through music education

The President & CEO of the Music Institute of Chicago shares about the evolving responsibility of preparing youth for society through music education. -...

Queer Cutlets at Judy’s Cafe

Stuck like a plum in a pound cake for a decade at The Philadelphia Inquirer, I wondered where to eat. A colleague knew I...

So Women Can’t Act In ‘Godot’, Eh? Take *This*, Beckett Estate!

In Godot Is a Woman by the theatre company Silent Faces, "three glum, bowler-hatted clowns … are waiting for the Beckett estate to answer...

Gottfried Böhm, The German Expressionist Of Brutalist Architects, Dead At 101

He was one of postwar German's most prominent architects, and had been the country's only living Pritzker Prize winner. "His most revered works resemble...

Narendra Modi Launches A Culture War Against Bollywood

" is using powerful tools to curtail the creative freedom of Bollywood — in particular the influence of Muslims, who have an outsize presence...

Planned Film About Jacinda Ardern And Christchurch Mosque Massacre Draws Huge Backlash In New...

The just-announced project They Are Us, to be written and directed by New Zealander Andrew Niccol (writer and co-producer of The Truman Show, writer-director...

As Marin Alsop Leaves The Baltimore Symphony, Why Aren’t There More Maestras At Top...

"When she took the position in 2007, she was the first female music director of a top-tier American orchestra. She was, it seemed certain...

Conductor Grant Llewellyn, Late Of North Carolina Symphony, Makes His Way Back From A...

Last summer, back home in Wales after completing his 16-year term in Raleigh, he suffered what turned out to be a three-day stroke that...

By The Numbers: Who Are The Bosses At US Ballet Companies And What Are...

" that the position of Artistic Director is held by far more men than women, while the position of Executive Director is much more...

Scottish Government Gives Multi-Million Rescue Package To Edinburgh Festivals

"The Edinburgh festivals have been offered millions of pounds in emergency funding in the face of widespread fears they may never fully recover from...

Kim Jong-Un Is On The Warpath Against K-Pop

The Dear Respected Leader has "called it a 'vicious cancer' corrupting young North Koreans' 'attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors.' His state media has warned that...

Two Unknown Artemisia Gentileschi Paintings Have Turned Up In The Wreckage Of A Beirut...

Art historian Gregory Buchakjian did his Master's thesis at the Sorbonne on the art collection of the Sursock Palace, where he identified two unattributed...

Britain Now Has Its First All-Black-Female Shakespeare Troupe

Says actor Gabrielle Brooks, one of four co-founders of the Mawa Theatre Company, "Shakespeare remains a staple of British theatre. He's still the most...

The Truck Is One Of India’s Great Art Media

"Most drivers are on the road for weeks, sometimes months at a stretch, living a nomadic life and often sleeping and eating in their...

Sampling Beats and Youth Research Participants – in Real Time

In research terms, a convenience sample is a group of folks who feature in a study because — well, they happened to be there....

From “Cole Toll” to Turnpike Toll: Newark’s “Arch of Nero” Relocates 87 Miles South...

I hope that officials of the Newark Museum of Art felt at least a twinge of seller’s remorse (if not a rush of shame)...

How You Perform A 75-Minute Score In Complete Darkness

Percussionist Sam Wilson of Riot Ensemble writes about Georg Friedrich Haas's Solstices, in which he has the hardest job: "A pianist can feel where...

Abu Dhabi, Hoping To Become Cultural Tourism Destination, Pumps More Billions Into Arts

The capital of the United Arab Emirates, whose government wants to diversify its economy away from oil and catch up with Dubai as the...

Stuart Silver, Museum Designer Who Pioneered Blockbuster Shows, Dead At 84

"As the inventive design director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the 1960s and '70s, turned the presentation of art into...

King Philip II’s Raphael Tapestries Are In Danger — From Pigeons

"The exquisite set of Raphael tapestries currently on display in the grand gallery of Madrid's royal palace has survived five tumultuous centuries of wars,...

Choreographing The Social Distancing At Dance Parties

"SOCIAL! the social distance dance club advertised a COVID-conscious rave this spring, where people were free to let loose together in the Park...

Princeton’s Classics Department Dropping The Latin And Greek Requirement May Not Be A Disaster...

Graeme Wood, who studied both languages himself, talked with a Princeton professor (who did not wish to be named) who says that the department...
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