ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Longtime Met Opera Mezzo Jean Kraft Dead At 94

A character singer admired for her dramatic skills, she sang with the company for two decades in nearly 800 performances. - Opera News

Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden’s Controversial Revamp Gets Key Approval

"The U.S. Commission of Fine Arts has voted to approve Japanese artist Hiroshi Sugimoto's proposed redesign of the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden...

Hell And High Water Came: Andrew Lloyd Webber Shutters ‘Cinderella’ Because Of COVID

In June he said that he would open his new West End musical at full audience capacity no matter what. Yet, now that England...

One Of History’s Greatest Opera Divas Was Also A Fine Composer

Pauline Viardot played duets with Chopin; thrilled Europe with her Rossini and Mozart; had George Sand as a friend and Turgenev as a lover....

At Home With The World’s Most Powerful Crossword Editor

"Will Shortz's stature in the crossword world is difficult to overstate. Observers, like the Kremlinologists of yore, speak of the 'Shortzian' and 'pre-Shortzian' eras."...

An Arts Center In Bethlehem, Right Next To The Israeli Security Wall

At an old stone mansion built in the 1880s by the town registrar, his descendants operate the Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir Center for Art...

Translating The Vocabulary Of The Online World From English

Speakers of other languages often have to use English for internet-specific terms; digital rights advocates find that there are no words in many other...

High-Tech Analysis Of *Exactly* How Museumgoers Look At Art

At a museum in Bologna, cameras and sensors of the ShareArt system record how many people view particular works, for how long, from how...

This Former Public Restroom Has Become An Arts Organization

The little building on Chicago's Logan Square was constructed in 1927 as a comfort station (as the euphemism of the time had it); for...

Yay! We Can Go To The Movies Again! But What Does That Even Mean...

As people start returning to cinemas rather than watching feature films at home as their only option, A.O. Scott considers whether the distinctions between...

Netflix Is Getting Into Video Games

"The idea is to offer video games on Netflix's streaming platform within the next year, according to a person familiar with the situation. The...

San Francisco Symphony CEO To Leave After Four Years

Mark C. Hanson gave no reason for his decision beyond a statement that "with the San Francisco Symphony now back up and performing …,...

Archaeologists Uncover Unknown 4,000-Year-Old City In Iraq

"The discovery was made in the area of Tell al-Duhaila, which is home to more than 1,200 archaeological sites, including the Great Ziggurat of...

Oleg Briansky, Who Founded One Of America’s Top Ballet Schools, Dead At 91

After an impressive but short dancing career (he never fully recovered from an early knee injury), he and his wife founded the Briansky Saratoga...

Even As Restrictions Are Lifting, COVID Is Still Shutting Down West End Shows

Boris Johnson has insisted that capacity limits and other pandemic measures will end in England on July 19. Nevertheless, as the Delta variant of...

How Pakistan Developed A Jazz Scene, Thanks To The U.S. State Department

During the Cold War, jazz was seen as a tool of cultural diplomacy, and the likes of Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck, and Dizzy Gillespie...

Going Back To Work Might Be A Bit Awkward For New York City Ballet’s...

The 36-year-old soloist has just released a memoir that includes some very candid, and none too flattering, depictions of company life. "The brave thing,"...

Is This Really “America’s Oldest Theatre”?

That's what the banner says at Philadelphia's Walnut Street Theatre, where performances have been happening since 1808. As protesters demand action on diversity, equity,...

Christian Boltanski, Who Turned Found Objects Into Haunting Art Installations, Dead At 76

"Boltanski's installations often make grand statements about death, particularly as it relates to the Holocaust, World War II, and the lingering effects of these...

Is This Or Is This Not A Goya? The Prado Can’t Make Up Its...

The Madrid museum decided back in 2008 that The Colossus was painted by an apprentice rather than the master himself. Now curators are hedging...

Facebook And Instagram Say They’ll Give $1 Billion To Content Creators Through 2022

"The program is invite-only but will allow creators to earn money by using certain features on Facebook or Instagram, such as by regularly livestreaming....

Houston Symphony’s Next Music Director Will Be Juraj Valčuha

The 45-year-old Slovakian maestro, currently music director of the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples and for seven years chief conductor of Italy's national...

Jeff Bezos Gives Smithsonian Air And Space Museum $200 Million

It's the largest donation in the Smithsonian Institution's history, and $70 million of it will go toward the museum's ongoing renovation, while the remaining...

Knopf Names Sonny Mehta’s Successor As Editor In Chief

Arguably the most prestigious division of the Penguin Random House conglomerate, Knopf has been without a leader since Mehta, who held the job for...

With Sydney Back In COVID Lockdown, Arts Promised Millions In New Aid

The New South Wales state government announced $75 million (Aus) in funding to compensate arts organizations that have had to close their doors again....
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