ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

100 Amazing Women Architects

The researchers behind 100 Women: Architects in Practice hope that its title will ultimately sound as strange as a book about 100 left-handed architects, or 100...

Why Did Waterloo, Canada “Pause” Its Arts Funder?

Regional council’s decision to pause the arts fund for a third-party review due to alleged harassment and governance concerns, announced in a press release on Wednesday...

Reconsidering Whether We Have Free Will

Since our actions result from nothing more than one event following another, no one really deserves praise or blame for anything they do. Our...

Newly Discovered Letter: Arthur Miller Explains Tragedy And “Death Of A Salesman”

"As I see it, the force of the Elizabethan form lay in its ability to follow the mental processes of its protagonists wherever they...

Minnesota Dance Theatre To Halt Performances

Although ticket sales were up for last holiday season's "The Nutcracker" and "Carmina Burana" in January, the boosts weren't matched with the grants and...

An Idea To Make Theatre Sustainable Again

"I’m trying to get artists to think of themselves as owners, not employees. So there’s a direct connection between the bottom line and their...

Warner And Paramount Are No Longer Talking Merger

Warner Bros. Discovery is no longer pursuing a merger with Paramount Global as its shares trade near a 52-week low, according to people familiar...

A Look At Northern Ballet’s Artistic Compromises Around Live Music

The musicians I spoke to have all seen Sinfonia work and income decrease significantly because of the switch from exclusively live music to occasional...

Rhiannon Giddens: Country Music Belongs To Everyone

"All of these comments, which range from simply ignorant to downright misogynoir, presuppose that commercial country music is a legacy that belongs only to...

Merriam-Webster Breaks The Internet Over Grammar Change

"It is permissible in English for a preposition to be what you end a sentence with," the dictionary publisher said in a post shared on Instagram...

More Music Removed From TikTok

TikTok says up to 30% of what it calls "popular songs" could be lost. But some industry estimates say up to 80% of all music on...

A Surge In Online Book Clubs Followed By New Friendships In Real Life

User numbers of an app called “Bookclubs,” designed to help organize clubs, grew 240% from 2020 to 2021. Since then, its user base has...

The Refined Art Of Campaigning For An Oscar

To campaign for an Oscar, as for the Presidency, you need a narrative—some compelling story, decided on by a combination of the nominee, campaign...

Maps Show Us Not Only Where We Are But Who We Are

Cartography has become one of the most successful technologies we have developed for understanding the world around us. At the same time, maps have...

Why Is Debate On College Campuses So Difficult These Days?

The fact of the matter is that the problem is not our students. It is us: faculty and administrators who are too afraid—of random...

Philosophy, Folk Wisdom, And Rethinking Values

I still believe in philosophy’s capacity to seek truth, but I’m conscious that I’ve tethered myself to an academic heritage plagued by formidable demons....

In 1995 A Crowd Gathered To Describe Data On The Internet…

By the end of the long weekend, the eclectic crowd had created a radical system for describing and discovering online content that still directly...

How Disney Built The Disney Adult Industrial Complex

Whether Disney adults are embarrassing or enchanting is largely a matter of opinion. What is missing from endless comment sections is the fact that...

It’s Artists Who Rule New York

If no one industry rules the city, one group of people does: artists. Every year, a new generation of them arrive in New York...

Supreme Court Hears Case That Would Fundamentally Change Social Media

The laws, championed by right-leaning state lawmakers, are rooted in the idea that the tech platforms have had a bias against conservatives. They’ve long...

British Film Board Reclassifies Classic “Mary Poppins” Movie As “Unsuitable For Children”

Mary Poppins is being re-released in select UK cinemas next month to celebrate the film’s 60th anniversary, prompting BBFC to upgrade its classification for the...

Fran Drescher Warns About AI

AI will entrap us in a matrix where none of us know what’s real. If an inventor lacks empathy and spirituality, perhaps that’s not the...

Can Warner Studios Win Back JK Rowling?

She is the last member of what was known internally at one time as Warner’s “A+ talent” crew, a group that included only two...

New York Is Home To More Endangered Languages Than Anywhere Else

All told, there are more endangered languages in and around New York City than have ever existed anywhere else, says Perlin, who has spent...

The Ethics Of Fandom

Sports fandom raises a number of interesting and important philosophical issues such as the connection between sports fandom and identity, and whether it is better...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');