ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Our Notions Of Privacy Are Ancient. Do They Fit In Our Modern World?

The evolutionary biologist E O Wilson once said of the source of human challenges in the 21st century that ‘we have palaeolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology’. - Psyche

Minoru Yamasaki – The Architect Weighed Down By The World Trade Center

His long career has become, for many, a caricature or outright failure, the stuffing wedged between the two disasters of the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex...

How A Jazz Musician Found 30,000 Facebook Followers During COVID

Since shortly after the pandemic effectively closed the world down in March 2020, Jim Clayton’s Danforth area home — more specifically his dining room...

Baryshnikov The Dancer Becomes Baryshnikov The Photographer

“I can see the almost spiritual obsession with dance that I myself have felt, but now observe it from the outside,” Baryshnikov says by...

Reframing Disinformation

“It turns a huge question about the nature of democracy in the digital age – what if the people believe crazy things, and now...

Are We Looking In The Wrong Places For The Sources Of Disinformation?

The Commission on Information Disorder is the latest (and most creepily named) addition to a new field of knowledge production that emerged during the...

The Developing World Is Collapsing Under COVID And Its A Danger To All

Unless the Western world wakes up, and helps out the developing world with vaccines and treatments, we may be facing a situation in which...

An “Epochal” Decline For NYC?

New York City, the financial and business capital of the world, and until very recently a hub for tourists, may well be the canary...

Why Are Cities Still Building Super-tall Buildings?

"I'm almost insulted by the reminder that the high-rise virus continues to spread. Waste of energy, waste of resources, almost impossible to protect indefinitely....

No, Not All Judgments Or Opinions Are Equal

Popular dogmas such as “judgments of artistic value are subjective” and “all judgments of artistic value are equal”, university literature departments have undercut aesthetic...

How Things Change When Your Dance Video Becomes A Viral Sensation

She’s earned a following of more than 250,000 on Instagram and 460,000 on TikTok — as well as amassing 15.3 million likes on TikTok....

Our Classrooms In Crisis

At this moment of ferocious contestation over the meaning of the classroom, we might a closer look at what actually goes on there. -...

Embattled Berkshire Museum Suddenly Loses Director

The museum’s statement did not explain the reason for Jeff Rodgers’s exit, after roughly two and a half years, or what he plans to...

Problem: Making AI Addicts

When we look to concrete problems in present-day AI systems, we see other — stranger — ways that things could go wrong with smarter...

Blowback On Productivity

If you accept that increased productivity helps the common good, the question becomes how to reliably achieve these increases. Until recently, the answer to...

Most Diverse Booker Prize Finalists List Ever

Four debut novelists – Diane Cook, Avni Doshi, Douglas Stuart and Brandon Taylor – are up against the acclaimed Zimbabwean Tsitsi Dangarembga, and the Ethiopian-American...

The Gender Gap Is Growing In Our Universities

“In almost every rich country, women earn the majority of bachelor’s degrees. Almost every country that gives men and women equal access to education...

Data’s In: Disney To Release All Its Movies In Theatres First

It comes after Disney's successful theatrical release this month of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. - BBC

Dante’s Purgatory In A Time Of Global Uncertainty

The concept of Purgatory was relatively new when Dante was born. Dante’s conception of Purgatory is remarkably like a wilderness boot camp. Its terrain...

How 9/11 Changed Comedy

Some of the comedic experimentation that immediately followed 9/11 tested the limits of free speech for entertainers, who made up the new rules as...

How We Learn To Know What We Want

Capitalism promises an endless series of alterations —tiny changes that... don’t amount to change at all. Aesthetic education, where “one suspends one’s current values...

The Case For All Art Being Ecological

 Works of art are not merely representations of the way things are but function to reveal and evolve a community’s shared understanding. Each time...

How A Public Spaces Program Is Transforming A Russian City

“We come and ask people what they want done, what they want preserved, and what they want to go. And if less than three-quarters...

The Up- And Down-sides Of Envy

Professional envy can have positive and negative repercussions. Workplaces where managers make a point of comparisons — posting leaderboards or naming employees of the...

Scientists Unlock Keys To Creative “Hot Streaks”

The team found that for all three career types, work tended to be more diverse just before a true hot streak than expected from...
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