Douglas McLennan
Health Care, Hospitals And Design Choices
The basic trajectory of hospital design has, so far, been toward buildings that are ever bigger, more complex and more sealed off from the...
Was Modernist Architecture Really The Product Of Brain Damage?
Why should it matter that the people who gave us modern architecture in the 20th century had traumatic brain damage and disorders? For one, the...
China Cracks Down On The Dancing Grannies
Under legislation to update China’s noise pollution ordinances, to be sent to lawmakers next week, dance enthusiasts will face limits on the volume of...
Do Computers Need To Be As Smart As Humans? Probably Not
Will deep learning eventually become “artificial general intelligence” (AGI), matching human intelligence in every way? I don’t believe it will happen in the next 20...
The YouTuber Working To Reinvent Philanthropy
Kevin Scally, chief relationship officer at Charity Navigator, the world’s largest nonprofit evaluator, says MrBeast is part of an encouraging trend of social media influencers using...
Do We Need To Save Journalism Or Reinvent It?
Platforms like Google and Facebook have transformed the way we consume and share news, but the digital revolution hasn’t yet revealed an equivalent breakthrough...
New Record: Bruce Springsteen Sells His Catalog For $500 Million
In March, Bob Dylan sold his catalog to Universal Music for a reported $300 million. Earlier this week, Primary Wave purchased James Brown’s music...
Painting Is Stolen, Then Replaced With Smaller Painting, Which Is Also Stolen…
A controversial painting was stolen from the Catholic University of America campus last month. When it was replaced by a smaller copy of the...
Lessons From Hollywood’s Digital Transition
While digital transformation was creating abundance in the scarce resources that had previously defined market power, it was also creating a new scarce resource,...
The 1920s Russian Novel That Anticipated Totalitarianism
People don’t have proper names; they are marked by a combination of letters and numbers, like the inmates of Nazi camps. They wear identical...
The Problem With Media Consolidation
Today, the media industry has consolidated under fewer owners than ever before; its labour conditions have grown dire. The undeniable expertise of many journalists...
Redefining Mainstream American Music
“We can perform this music in the concert hall, we can talk about this music. But until people are just hearing it on...
The Rocket Scientist Who’s Also A Principal Ballerina
Kelley Hashemi’s day job is as an aeronautical engineer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, where she leads a research team working...
COVID And The Art Of Party Tents
Last year, as the pandemic isolated us into our respective domestic cocoons, designers took to their AutoCAD to imagine a brave new world of...
An Expertise In Books Gets You…
Literature professors have often had significant difficulty acknowledging their expertise and corresponding difficulty in justifying their status to skeptics, for broadly two reasons. - Public...
Ho-Hum: Golden Globe Nominations Are Out, But Few Seem To Care
There were no press releases sent en masse with statements thanking the HFPA and saluting co-stars and filmmakers. Also absent were the emotional reaction...
Blind To Ideas Of Reality?
If biology can innately limit the mind of a cat, could we humans, also creatures of nature, be subject to a similar destiny? Could...
Trailblazing Black Feminist bell hooks, 69
Her writings anticipated and helped shape ongoing debates about race, gender and class in the United States. - Washington Post
Canon Fodder: Classical Music’s Difficult Reckoning with Race
"More than anything, the artistic questions facing classical music today go well beyond the simple dualism of keeping or tossing the canon; they revolve...
How Elizabeth Alexander Is Transforming The Mellon Foundation
Alexander came to the organization with a specific mandate, she said, of “sharpening the focus—doing all the work, every penny, through a social justice...
Where The Main Thread Of American Opera Ought To Have Gone: “Porgy”
Joseph Horowitz teaches us to stop hearing “Porgy and Bess” narrowly, as a Black opera, or as some sideline oddity called a folk opera....
Los Angeles Review Of Books Turns Ten
A self-described “cockeyed optimist,” Tom Lutz admitted he underestimated the volume of work required to launch the publication — not to mention the costs...
Why Podcasting Might Be A Passing Fad For Media Companies
For several years, a mixture of denial and deep optimism have kept up the facade. News outlet leaders believe that, since others are perceived...
Hong Kong’s M+ Was Ambitious. But Its Time May Already Have Passed
M+ seemed inevitable, so right. But if you looked closely enough, divisions between the city and its various cultural saviours were starting to emerge. -...
The Problem: A Tech Solution To “Solving” Democracy Is Problematic
Optimization cannot reconcile people’s conflicting world views. Though conflict has always been the meat of politics, political differences today mean that people not only...