ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Has Amazon Really Changed Literature?

Spotify-like Kindle Unlimited subscriptions have made fiction into an “‘always on’ utility” that prioritizes “serial plenitude over singular encounters.” - The Baffler

Media Companies Believe The Blockchain Will Transform Their Businesses

With crypto and blockchain, the movie and entertainment industry is poised to reinvent its business functions, facilitating secure, transparent, and traceable transactions across the...

Why Have 17,000 People Lost Their Jobs In Australian Universities?

Before it happened, we in the sector viewed the prospect of such an outcome as intolerable: a Rubicon we would never allow to be...

Seven Rules For The Culture Wars

In culture wars, both sides like to refer to self-evident sources of ‘the truth’ – such that ‘every sensible person must surely be able...

Study: Sell An Idea By Focusing On “Why” Or “How”?

Should she focus on why her idea is useful or should she instead promote a more concrete focus on how the idea works when...

Why Reading Is No Substitute For Travel

Although reading affords a way of learning about the world, it cannot transmit the richness of sensory experience. Can reading about a glacier convey...

The Problem With Writing Workshops (and How To Fix Them)

Craft, Matthew Salesses explains, is a series of expectations, and until those expectations are made explicit, they will enforce the status quo by concealing...

The Personal Cost Of The Noise Around Us

According to the World Health Organization, noise exposure and its secondary outcomes such as hypertension and reduced cognitive performance are estimated to account for...

China’s Web Novels Are Changing The Way We Read

Having built a thriving multibillion-dollar web fiction industry at home, Chinese web novel platforms are increasingly looking to sell their stories — and the...

How Mort Sahl Changed Comedy And Flamed Out

He became a comedian’s comedian—venerated by other comedians, especially those old enough to know that they wouldn’t be doing what they were doing if...

Campus Threats To Academic Freedom? Maybe Not So Much

None of this is to say that higher education shouldn’t be vigilant about threats to academic freedom and free speech. But let’s not give...

For The Second Year, College Enrollment Falls

Undergraduate enrollment across the board fell by 3.2 percent this fall, echoing last fall’s 3.4 percent decline. Since fall 2019, undergraduate enrollments have dropped by 6.5 percent....

Remembering Conductor Michael Morgan And His Impact On The Bay Area

The scope of Morgan’s outreach was both personal and institutional, both public and below the radar. He made the Oakland Symphony a meeting ground...

Abdulrazak Gurnah Won The Nobel Prize For Literature. Why Wasn’t His 2020 Book Published...

“Afterlives,” which explores the brutality of Germany’s colonial rule in East Africa, came out in Britain in September 2020 and was hailed as a masterpiece....

The Real Questions For Movie-Makers After The Santa Fe Accident

I start to question things I should’ve been questioning harder, earlier. Do we need this stuff? Why does recreational screen slaughter remain America’s number...

Twitter Has 211 Million Users, Up 13 Percent

Revenue of $1.28 billion was up 37%. Twitter sales are advertising based and saw U.S, total sales up 45% to $742 million and ad...

Why Has Gender Become So Contentious Worldwide?

The attacks on so-called “gender ideology” have grown in recent years throughout the world, dominating public debate stoked by electronic networks and backed by...

You’re Writing A Book. How Do Your Choose Names For Your Characters?

When it comes to writing, naming is one of the more fun problems of fiction, perhaps especially speculative fiction, where names can be as...

Museum Shows With A Moral Message? Yes, Actually

So it’s an exhibition with a pointed moral agenda. But it’s not preachy or obvious. It’s smart, it’s thoughtful, and it’s visually compelling. -...

Do Cars Belong In Art Museums?

There's a "danger of treating the car as an art object in itself. It may be art, but it’s a very different kind of...

How Conspiracy Theories Work

“In folklore, we have this law of self-correction. So if something doesn’t quite fit, you go back to the way you heard it from...

Is The Sitcom Dead?

There are a few reasons why the sitcom seems, if not comprehensively deceased, then at least less responsive than it has ever been. - The...

How The Russian Version Of “Married… With Children” Became A Cultural Phenomenon

So successful was the sitcom that they ended up running out of American scripts to adapt and they soon began writing their own. All told, Schastlivy Vmeste ran...

Who’s Listening To Podcasts

In the U.S., 40% of internet users listen to podcasts. In Canada a third (32.8%) listen and in Mexico a quarter do (25.8%). But...

Ron Mercer Collected 2000 Music Instruments. Why?

"I get bored or start counting the same thing twice, so I'd say probably close to 2,000." Two narrow walkways allow Mercer or his...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');