ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Revising Mamet’s “Oleanna” Post-#MeToo

The production can be read as a post-#MeToo critique of the invidious yet slippery ways in which male power exerts itself without being easy...

How The Arts Could Lead On Thinking About Disabilities

Framing disability in this way—as a series of deficits—adds to the problematic thinking that interprets access as questions of patron services, facilities, or technology. -...

The Dark Side Of The Meritocracy

For all of the well-intentioned idealism of today’s aspirational elite, there is a dark side of meritocracy that is never fully concealed in the...

The Potential Benefits Of Using NFTs For Tickets

NFTs can be bought, sold, traded, swapped, used as collateral, borrowed, lent, etc. In other words, your ability to financially engineer to create additional...

What Does Netflix’s Purchase Of Famous LA Movie Theatres Mean?

Under the deal, the Cinematheque will continue to program autonomously on weekends, while Netflix will use the theater for their premieres and special events...

What Will Happen To The Music I Collected On Spotify?

"I feel uneasy about the hundreds of playlists I’ve taken the time to compile on the company’s platform: 10 or 20 years from now,...

NYC’s Historic Cherry Lane Theatre Bought By Lortel Foundation

The foundation is a few blocks from the Cherry Lane Theater on Christopher Street and has managed the building for the past decade. The...

Bourdain Voice Deepfake Reminds Us Documentaries Aren’t Real Reporting

The deluge of nonfiction filmmaking and its seemingly endless permutations has rendered the term "documentary" almost meaningless. - Washington Post

That Tune You Can’t Get Out Of Your Head? Annoying, Right? But There’s A...

These so-called earworms — gross — are annoying but useful, as new research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology in June helps illuminate...

When Ideas In Accademia Get Out Of The Lab, They Can Be Dangerous

There’s a huge leap in jumping from these general, aggregate findings to believing that such simple ideas can guide the behavior of complex states...

Are Master’s Degrees An Educational Scam?

In some ways, they’re more similar than they might seem. Many of them are one-year certificate programs. We don’t call them that. We call them master’s...

Is Changing The Name Of The Yale Drama School Worth A Big Donation?

To quote Shakespeare, “what’s in a name?” Quite a lot, it turns out, in these days of societal reckoning. - Los Angeles Times

The Anthony Bourdain Voice-Fake: Documentaries Have Been Faking For Some Time Now

A reenactment and a voice fake actually do different versions of the same thing: Both cement a reality in your mind — the image...

Here’s a Counter-Factual: Social Media Is Making Us… Nicer?

In person, we still know how to be classy friends. But class is tricky on social media. No one can be expected to read...

Ian McKellen’s Epic “Hamlet” Production Loses Two Actors

The Mail on Sunday reported that the two actors had dropped out because of clashes that had taken place since rehearsals began. It said...

Why We All Need To Pay Attention To How Artificial Intelligence Works

Each link is a small expression of intelligence, and the algorithm, even without users being aware, extracts and accumulates that intelligence in the form...

Painting Restoration Takes The Smile Off

The restoration work not only reveals the rogue addition of an upturned smile, but also a jarring strip of dirty sky added to make...

Hong Kong Book Fair Slims Down With Self-Censorship

This year, far fewer politically sensitive books are on display. Vendors are curating their books carefully to avoid violating the national security law, which...

New Study Confirms 1972 MIT Study That Collapse Of Civilization Is Imminent

It concludes that the current business-as-usual trajectory of global civilization is heading toward the terminal decline of economic growth within the coming decade—and at...

“Digital Twinning” Is Revolutionizing How We Solve Problems

The technology, which involves creating a digital clone of a real-world object or system, is revolutionising the fields of healthcare, manufacturing and logistics. It...

For A Culture Of Innovation You Need Arts Spaces

My research findings demonstrate how honing imagination and wonder is essential to creating cultures dedicated to innovative and responsible corporate practices demanded by a...

Brexit Has Made It A Nightmare For UK Bands To Tour Europe

“This is about whether one of the U.K.’s most successful industries, worth £111 billion a year, is allowed to prosper and contribute hugely to...

Seriously? Producers Used AI To Fake Anthony Bourdain’s Voice on Documentary

The synthetic voice was created by feeding more than 10 hours of Mr Bourdain's voice into a machine-learning system. - BBC

Facebook Wants To Pay Video-Makers. It Could Be A Tough Sell

Many creators — who make and profit off meme-y online content — have already flocked to rival platforms like YouTube and TikTok, which invested...

Turning Point: COVID Lockdown Has Freed Dance From Its Confines

We have embodied elements of resistance—resisting what a “dancer” looks like, what a dance “should” look like. And perhaps most importantly, we have resisted...
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