ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

New Data: Streaming Subscribers Who Sign Up For Specific Big Shows Leave Soon After

All streaming services see a portion of U.S. customers unsubscribe every month and have been signing up more users than they lose over time....

How Method Acting Made Me Mad

The idea that an actor must authentically experience and feel the lived reality of the character he is playing—and therefore be infinitely present and...

Why Are Demands For Book Bans Increasing?

Parents, activists, school board officials and lawmakers around the country are challenging books at a pace not seen in decades. The American Library Association...

What Does A City Benefit When Hollywood Comes To Town?

"It's fine to boast about having Amazon and Netflix in our back yard but if they got a better tax credit in France or...

Justin Bieber Becomes First Artist To Get Ten YouTube Videos With A Billion Views...

With this legacy defining milestone, Bieber’s rise as one of the world’s top artists is undeniable. How did he get there? - Toronto Star

Dissent: Against Joan Didion

Nothing ever seemed to excite her or faze her or disappoint her, largely because she set her sights so low to begin with. - The...

Online Dating Apps: Your Taste In Music Is A Disqualifier

On dating apps, music taste has become one of the primary ways of signalling one’s suitability as a mate – and how, by reducing...

Does Anyone Understand Method Acting?

Strasberg began to think about what made some performances succeed and some fail, and concluded that it must have to do with whether or...

Are NFTs Really The Future Of Art?

 The news that you could now, at least in theory, monetise digital art has spawned a speculative boom. - Irish Times

Thinking On Cultural Appropriation

Why is it a problem for a so-called dominant culture to utilize the forms and features of another? The short answer is that it...

What Role Does Shakespeare Have In American Theatre Now?

How much Shakespeare do audiences really want these days? What adjustments are required in the performance of his canon to accommodate those who do...

First: London’s Royal Opera House Hires Intimacy Coordinator

“In opera, there’s so much attention given to the craftsmanship of the music, the set design, the direction of the singing and choreography, in...

How Spielberg Tricked Me Into Writing The “West Side Story” Screenplay

I love “West Side Story,” I always wanted to work with Stephen Sondheim, and I’ve come to realize that my writerly self-respect is tangled up...

Tubing Streaming Stars Are Burning Out

Twitch is now being criticised for encouraging streamers to spend an unhealthy amount of time on the platform and then not doing enough to...

How To Think About Being Online

The key to cutting through the confusion is to see that digital transformation is not a single thing, but a multi-faceted journey with differing...

Berlin Considers Plan To Ban Cars From City Center

Campaign group Berlin Autofrei has proposed a law to limit private car use within the Ringbahn train line in the German capital, an area of 34...

A Return To Western Liberalism?… That’s Problematic

When some commentators call for a return to classical liberalism, they forget that it rested on the moral foundations of Jewish and Christian monotheism...

Just How Does The Dallas Museum Of Art Expect To Pay For A Major...

The involvement of wealthy donors sets up a balancing act for the DMA at a time when patrons’ money is under more scrutiny perhaps...

How Do You Know You’re Not Living In A Simulation? (No, Really…)

Can you prove you’re not in a simulation? You might think you have definitive evidence that you’re not. I think that’s impossible, because any...

Just So You Know: This Is What Streaming Platforms Pay Artists Per Stream

I think we can all agree that this system is not set up for independent artists with a growing fanbase. The benefits of this pay-out scale are designed...

Data: Who Gets To Be A Resident Choreographer

The position of resident choreographer, while it does not exist at every company and varies between organizations, represents job stability, resources, and artistic opportunity...

The Essential Opera Quality

Opera demands engagement. It’s best if it accomplishes this by being creatively provocative or ravishing or infuriating, but as long as there's enough to...

Why Art Ought To Be A Daily Habit

Arthur Brooks: Engaging with art after worrying over the minutiae of your routine is like looking at the horizon after you’ve spent too long...

Did Marshall McLuhan Lead Us To Fake News?

McLuhan's doctrine was attractive to the Boomers because it explained that everything the older generation knew, or thought they knew, was an illusion. Everything...

You Think AI Ought To Make Moral Judgments For Us? (Psst! It’s Already Happening)

Recently, some scientists taught an artificial intelligence software, called Delphi (after the ancient Greek religious sanctuary), to make moral pronouncements. Type any action into it, even...
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