ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Facebook Gets Serious About Building The Metaverse

The company announced it plans to create 10,000 new jobs across the European Union in order to develop what it calls the metaverse. In...

Motion Picture Academy Boss To Step Down After Ten Tumultuous Years

The news comes just weeks after the long-awaited opening of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, a $480-million project that Hudson played a key...

Surprise: Graduate Enrollment At US Universities Increased In 2020

The CGS survey found that graduate applications increased by 7.3 percent and first-time graduate enrollment increased by 1.8 percent in fall 2020 compared to the year...

Why Music Is Not A Background Sport

Music — at least for some of us — is an engaged and engaging activity that involves your ear, your intellect, your memory, your imagination...

Culture Shift? America’s Workers Grab Control

In unionized industries, this takes the form of collective bargaining and, where necessary, voting for strikes. In non-unionized industries, which make up the vast...

How Environmental Art Brings Climate Change Awareness

In the past few decades, new practices of art, design and architecture in the public realm have helped raise awareness about ubiquitous waste, pollution...

Glimmerglass Leader To Step Down

Francesca Zambello, 65, who is also the artistic director of Washington National Opera and an independent stage director, will have led Glimmerglass for 12...

How Truth Became Contested Ground In Our Schools

The pandemic accelerated a trend that already existed: teachers increasingly find themselves facing a potential career-ending explosion if they teach the wrong “truth.” -...

An Alternative History About The Dawn Of Humans

Graeber and Wengrow offer a history of the past 30,000 years that is not only wildly different from anything we’re used to, but also...

Surprise — You’re In Charge! How A Family Publishing Empire Changed Hands

Being handed control of the company, which is valued at $1.2 billion, has made Iole Lucchese, 55, one of the most powerful women in...

Why This Jazz Drummer Finally Left New York

I lived there 19 years. As we were coming out of lockdown, it seemed incredible to me that New York was becoming an even...

Deepfakes — The End Of Truth?

Like most digital technologies, the quality of deepfakes is increasing at an alarming rate, and it is clear that even the most complex deepfake...

Say Goodbye To Giant Skyscrapers

Planning applications for tall buildings in London plummeted by a third last year. Has the age of piling people into great glass shafts, of...

The Virtual Gallery Revolution

With technology that creates fantastical game worlds readily available, its creators could’ve set it on Tatooine if they wanted to, or at least the...

A Long-Missing Stone Masterpiece, Discovered In A Front Yard

“It was like finding the Holy Grail. William Edmondson worked in Nashville, so who would ever dream that a piece would be in St....

Diagnosing A Post-Liberal Culture

Postliberals, as Matthew Rose argues in his new book A World After Liberalism, agree on little. They know something has gone wrong, and they suspect...

Of Authenticity, Experience And The Right To Standing

In my experience, when people say they need to “listen to the most affected”, it isn’t because they intend to set up Skype calls...

The New Activism: Art Attacking The Institutions — Any Institution, Including Those Who Show...

One irony of contemporary art that critiques or transcends the institution is just how central the institution remains to it. Indeed, the complexity of the...

John McWhorter On Campus Culture And The Bright Sheng Case: Radicalism Or Progressivism?

It's not "the students’ fragility, it’s that their approach illustrates the difference between radicalism and progressivism. It’s an example of a strain of thought...

Bright Sheng And Campus Culture Run Amok? Or…

To some observers, it’s a case of campus “cancel culture” run amok. To others, the incident is symbolic of an arrogant academic and artistic...

Is Hunter Biden’s Art Career A Problem?

Experts have raised alarms that individuals might buy the artworks – expected to fetch between $75,000 and $500,000 – to try to curry favor and gain...

The Team Orchestrating Your Brain’s Consciousness

This new framework points to a view of the brain as a fusion of the local and the global, arranged in a hierarchical manner. -...

Visa Delays Are Crippling US Music World

The delays have hampered many industries, but they are particularly upending classical music, which relies on stars from all over the world to make a...

How Opera Invented The Modern Fan

Theater impresarios quickly recognized them as their ideal audience: the true-blue fans who reliably subscribed to the whole opera season; bought programs, auto­graphed photos; and drummed...

Is There A Role For Art In A Post-Liberal World?

The liberal beliefs that underpin today’s international art world are only shared by a tiny minority of the global population. Yet the West’s art...
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