ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Will Streaming Theatre Still Be Viable Once Stages Reopen?

“In the last few months, the requests for either virtual or digital performances from streaming have really dropped off dramatically. They’re still happening, but...

In 2014 A Town Painted Over A Banksy. This Time It Placed Guards To...

Criticism was fierce last time, so they don't want to take any chances. - BBC

Our AI Is Increasingly Built On Homogenized Data. That Could Be A Real Problem

Foundational models have some very real downsides. They create “a single point of failure, so any defects, any biases which these models have, any...

London’s Public Art Mound Is A Disaster. But…

It might seem confusing why local councils would choose to fund tourist projects like the Mound when they are getting rid of permanent spaces...

Why We Get Caught Up In Cults

“It doesn’t take someone broken or disturbed to crave that structure . . . we’re wired to. And what we often overlook is that...

Why Millions Are Quitting Their “Great” Jobs

These people are generally well-educated workers who are leaving their jobs not because the pandemic created obstacles to their employment but, at least in...

How Leonard Bernstein Became A Cultural Icon

This may now seem, to younger generations, a corny, indulgent, and completely irrelevant form of grandstanding. But when you go back and watch Leonard...

The Great Cultures Of Africa During Europe’s Dark Ages

Suffice it to say that while Europe was experiencing its Dark Ages – a period of intellectual, cultural, and economic regression from about the...

Riccardo Muti, Part II: Man From Another Century

He doesn't do smartphones, thinks talk shows are nonsensical, and reports: "Music is rapture, it’s not understanding. Go home all you music critics!" -...

A Trick To Get Beneath The Words

"On the first day of every month, I pick a poem, and then I read that poem every day that month." - The New...

Time To Re-Question The Idea Of Cultural Appropriation?

The very concept of “cultural appropriation” is misbegotten. As I’ve previously argued, it wrongly casts cultural practices as something like corporate intellectual property, an...

An Epic Battle For Control Of Hollywood

The bigger question facing studios, streaming services and talent agencies: How should stars and filmmakers be paid for movies and TV shows now that...

Francis Fukuyama Famously Declared The End Of History. Well…

For Fukuyama, the demise of the Soviet Union testified to the “total exhaustion of viable systemic alternatives” to––and thus, the “unabashed victory”––of “economic and...

Why Thinking Rationally Is Such A Challenge

It’s not that we don’t think—we are constantly reading, opining, debating—but that we seem to do it on the run, while squinting at trolls...

We Process Historic Events With Images. Afghanistan Is A Complicated Image

Phil Kennicott: "Countries, like travelers, want to make sense of things, which is why we reach for an image — a quick metaphor, a...

National Company Of “Wicked” Hires “Director Of Social Responsibility”

Working closely with labor unions and other production partners, Christina Alexander will implement strategic procedures related to hiring practices to identify qualified candidates from...

My Conversations With Suzanne Farrell

"Farrell is the only dancer who could inflect solos with such a dense and bewildering array of ideas that I felt I needed at...

Barbara Kruger On Being An Artist, A Consumer (And Not Being A TikTok Star)

"We live in this digital universe. Digital life has been emancipating and liberatory but at the same time it’s haunting and damaging and punishing...

Theatre’s Employment Problems

The harsh reality of layoffs and rehiring has sparked much confusion and pain among theatre workers, especially the technicians whose shops have sat empty...

How Napoleon Systematically Plundered Europe’s Art

These were not smash-and-grab operations. He sought out experts to advise him on which cultural treasures to ship back to Paris. Napoleon wanted to...

Where Dancers Go To Rehab As Performances Resume

Dr. David Weiss, an orthopedic physician with the NYU Langone facility in Kips Bay, compared the runup to Broadway’s comeback to a training camp...

Social Media Has Redefined Gen Z Elite Athletes

Through social media, they have opened up conversations about performance, mental health and the impact of the media. Sports stars are making their voices heard...

Why Intellectuals Have Such Lowly Public Status

The general public in the United States sees intellectuals as disconnected from their everyday struggles and concerns. From this perspective, intellectuals don’t actually work...

All The Reasons Book Reviewing Is Lacking

If there is a problem with book reviewing the problem is that those of us who are good at it aren’t good enough, there...

The Case Against Beach Reading

Reading is not a beachy activity. Reading is for armchairs and bay windows and loverless beds. Bring a book to the beach and you’re...
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