ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

The Age Of Cultural Dopes

A cultural dope is someone like me or you, a consumer of culture or a “creative content provider” who produces, or consumes, the preexisting...

The Wages Of Information

We have established a culture that expects us to have opinions on everything, and even rewards us for unexpected and implausible ones. Those of...

This Year’s Turner Prize Finalists

Four artists—including three women and one non-binary artist of diverse age ranges, racial and cultural backgrounds—have been shortlisted for this year’s Turner Prize, Tate...

The Woman Who Would Bring Stability To LA’s MoCA

The remarkable rate of leadership churn is widely seen as having hurt MOCA’s credibility with donors, artists and the public at a time when...

We Thought War Was Over For The Modern World. Now We Have To Rethink

Russia’s assault on Ukraine is shocking, therefore, not only for its violence, but for the fact that it reopens the question of war as...

Why Computers Will Never Think Like Us

Human consciousness, in other words, in part consists of understanding abstract and indirect meanings. And it is precisely this sort of understanding that artificial intelligence...

What NFTs Have To Do With Dance

The disparities between the dance and tech communities can seem pretty vast, yet the two have found an odd, contemporary synergy in NFTs: non-fungible...

Why America’s Teens Are Depressed

Almost every measure of mental health is getting worse, for every teenage demographic, and it’s happening all across the country. Since 2009, sadness and...

Who Gets To Tell History?

History writing is based on the faith that events, despite appearances, don’t happen higgledy-piggledy—that although individuals can act irrationally, change can be explained rationally. -...

Can The BBC Survive Its Government Overlords?

The BBC will always be stuck in the complex embrace of the British state. The corporation operates under a royal charter, which is updated...

Museums Are Using Virtual Reality To Preserve Holocaust Testimonies

For example, at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie, you can slip on a virtual reality headset and enter the world of survivor...

The Ancients Had A Better Way Of Removing Monuments They No Longer Honored

The ancient Romans are even more famed for the deliberate destruction of images, thanks to their habit, dubbed damnatio memoriae by modern scholars, of destroying all portraits of...

Time To Do Away With The Scientific Paper?

This system comes with big problems. Chief among them is the issue of publication bias: reviewers and editors are more likely to give a scientific...

Are You Gaslighting, Correctly?

Although in most cases the word serves to expose implicit power dynamics and level the playing field, it can also be used to do...

America Is Living In A Uniquely Stupid Time

It’s about the shattering of all that had seemed solid, the scattering of people who had been a community. It’s a metaphor for what...

How Ukrainian Artists Are Responding To The War

"There will still be people with traumatic experiences. There will be new Ukrainian communities in many countries. There will be years of rebuilding our...

Who Should Be ABT’s New Artistic Director? Misty Copeland

I’m struck by what the company could accomplish with a leadership choice that looks to the future of ballet. A choice that makes a...

The Great Resignation: It’s Going To Get Worse

In America alone, there are 11 million vacant positions and only 6.5 million people to fill them. Suddenly, we’re in the middle of a...

A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Gustavo Dudamel

While he stands in front of an orchestra, his entire being is focused like a laser on the music. But that focus requires an...

Can This Mega-Merger Make Warner Studios Great Again?

The marriage combines WarnerMedia’s premium assets, including HBO, CNN, Cartoon Network, TBS, TNT and the Warner Bros. studio, with Discovery’s mainstream channels, Food Network,...

Special President Zelensky LEGO Figure Sells Out For Fundraiser

The Zelensky “minifig,” as the figures are known, retailed for $100 each and sold out in hours, as did Molotov cocktail accessories bearing the Ukrainian...

Perils Of The Broadway Spring: Tourists, COVID, And…

Adding all those plays and musicals — 16 new productions plus three returning from hiatuses are opening over a five-week stretch — was always...

How Beethoven Inspired Cultural Exchange Between China And The West

The Central Philharmonic marked the 150th anniversary of Beethoven’s death by performing his Fifth Symphony. The last two movements were aired across the country....

A Look At The International Booker Prize Shortlist

Of the six books now in contention for the prestigious translated fiction award, five were written by women, with three translated by women too....

Science: Our Brains As Predictors Of The World Around Them

“There is no ‘I’ in AI.” Computers can beat a grandmaster in chess, but they don’t know that chess is a game. Jeff Hawkins...
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