ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

The Clutter Versus Anti-Clutter Wars

Why do some people revel in collections of novelty eggcups? Or have so many framed pictures you can barely see the (ferociously busy) wallpaper?...

The Women Changing 21st Century Dance

The recent appointments of the women and the recent commissions of choreography by women too numerous to mention, are good news for feminism. But...

The “Like” Problem

Why do people have such a problem with “like”? Is it because it simply won’t go away? In 1992, Malcolm Gladwell wrote a robust...

Texas Judge Doesn’t Think YouTube Is A Website. This Could Be A Problem

HB 20 says that if you run a social network — even a nonprofit one — you’ll have to throw out your community standards...

Immersive Theatre — Another World But With Real-World Concerns

It's no coincidence that Punchdrunk has begun collaborating with Pokemon Go creator Niantic. The company's work offers the same promise as virtual reality: At its...

Disgraced LA Gallerist Ordered To Pay $14.2 Million After Cheating Artists

Douglas Chrismas was considered to be at the forefront of the Los Angeles art scene in the 1980s and 90s at his now-defunct Ace Gallery....

The Prolific Korean Movie Director Who Does It All

He has directed twenty-seven features in twenty-six years. Hong has achieved abundance through a radical reduction of means. He funds each movie with the...

Why Canadians Have To Move To The US To Find Success

Canada’s tidy, modest institutions have lowered the ceiling on its creative professions. There’s also something very stay-in-your-lane about the presumption that a Canadian artist...

Stratford Festival Unveils New Theatre

In 2018, the facility — a former curling rink-turned-theatre — underwent a $72-million demolition and reconstruction, a project completed in 2020. However, as a result of the...

The Eurovision Song Contest Is A Cultural Phenomenon (And This Year Is Unusually So)

The world’s biggest music event, famed for bringing Europe together, is happening during the biggest threat to unity on the European continent since the...

What Qualifies As Ukrainian Music?

Before Ukraine gained independence from Russia in 1991, it would have been as natural for a young Prokofiev to head off to Moscow as...

Mrs. Doubtfire Calls It Quits On Broadway

The musical, which has been posting middling box office numbers during the industry’s crowded spring season, will end its run at the Stephen Sondheim...

The Next Version Of Authenticity Online: BeReal?

To summarize the BeReal user experience: once a day, at a random time, the app sends a push notification to its users, granting them...

How I Learned To Appreciate The Intelligence Of Trees

The idea of intelligence without a brain can sound mystical or speculative, but the initiative has attracted quite a lot of human intelligence so...

New York Is Getting Rid Of Auction Regulations. Why?

Unlike the banking industry, the art trade has few rules that govern its dynamics, but for Americans it seems that even these are too...

How To Publish Books In Wartime Ukraine (It Ain’t Easy)

In addition to what was left behind at the office, there was another enormous problem for the publishing house: its warehouses are also located...

The Art Of Translating For Journalists

Translators do their best to represent the journalists conducting the interviews, while also acting — intentionally or not — as connectors across cultural divides. -...

Pianist Alexander Toradze, 69

During the second of the two concertos, he experienced acute heart failure while performing, but Toradze kept on playing, unaware of the medical danger. -...

Study: Brain Fluid From Young Mice Improves Memory In Old Mice

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from young mice can improve memory function in older mice, researchers report today in Nature. - Nature

The “Big Beasts” Of The 1980s Literary Scene

In the 1980s more writers were able to earn a living from writing – though those writers were, of course, largely male and, broadly...

I Feel Like This Shouldn’t Happen…

The rub for many is that the phrase sounds wishy-washy, as if there is an epidemic of hedging amid a new generation. Some have...

Breakthrough: Google Says It Will Pay 300 News Publishers In Europe For Their Stories

"So far, we have agreements which cover more than 300 national, local and specialist news publications in Germany, Hungary, France, Austria, the Netherlands and...

The iPod Is Finally Dead. Here Are All The Music Players It Vanquished

Some say it was overdue, some lament that it remains a missed opportunity, but the truth of the matter is, the iPod has left...

Ukrainian Dancers Have Spread To The Wind

Some have taken up arms in their country’s defense or have been working to get medical supplies to the frontline. (One died after being injured when Russian...

The Boston Classical Music Radio Station That Changed Its Approach And Won New Listeners

CRB’s recent listener data suggests that a growing share of younger listeners are responding to that sense of discovery. In February 2014 the median...
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