ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

What Exactly Is TikTok (And How Does It Work?)

What’s surprising is that content fueling viewership only comes from a small subset of TikTok’s user base—a statistic similar to YouTube. Only 33.9 percent of...

The Hugely Successful Musical Created On/Through TikTok

Over the course of creating The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical, Barlow and Bear played to other fans of the show via TikTok: They rehearsed their songs, interacted...

What Happened To Method Acting

In 2022, in our heyday of superhero blockbusters and bingeable story lines, the Method seems to be fading away. - The New York Times

Burying Robert Moses For Good

Invoking Moses is easy shorthand for a legacy of racist urban planning—a shameful history but, like legal residential segregation, one many view as consigned...

That Time In The 80s The Egyptian Government Tried To Ban Music Cassette Tapes

Courtesy of the president’s executive actions, audiocassettes, enjoyed loudly by many Egyptians in public spaces, were no longer simply a nuisance. Noisy cassette recordings...

The Case For The Intrinsic Value Of Art

The question of the intrinsic value of art is one he never expected to need to address. For him, it is a given. For...

Study: Four Times More Male Characters Than Female In Literature

Mayank Kejriwal and fellow researcher Akarsh Nagaraj used data from 3,000 books that are part of the Gutenberg Project, across genres including adventure, science...

Russia Threatens To Imprison Artist For Work He Showed At Moscow Art Fair

The Investigative Committee of Russia has opened a “rehabilitation of Nazism” case against Kulik. If he’s found guilty, the artist reportedly faces a fine of up to...

Who Should Next Run The Royal Shakespeare Company?

If I were to have an absolute dream nomination, it would be a director who has conquered the fields of theatre, television and film,...

Lebrecht: Upside Down Orchestra Marketing

What we are witnessing is a pandemic of reformist box-ticking that places policy above pulling power. Forget about a box office that is running...

How To Make A More Creative, Profitable Netflix

When the financial incentives of the people paying for the movies and TV shows are aligned with those of the creators, the overall system...

What Netflix’s Fail Says About Streaming

While Netflix’s competitors still have room to grow — and Disney in particular has committed to growing a lot — agents and creators believe...

The Netflix Problem — Maybe Doing Theatrical Releases Is A Path?

Netflix’s sign of softening brought a screeching halt to the prevailing industry logic that going all-in on streaming investment was the way to please...

Direct-To-Home Movie Releases Are Over

“When analyzing title after title, it becomes very clear that spikes in piracy are most drastic when a movie is first available to watch...

TafelMusik Abruptly Loses Its Music Director

Over her five-year tenure, Elisa Citterio appointed new artistic directors, explored repertoire from the 17th through 19th centuries, commissioned new works, and encouraged international...

How About An Actor In Charge Of The Royal Shakespeare Instead Of Another Director?

Why, for once, should the company not be led by an actor rather than a director – someone who combines a passion for Shakespeare...

Three New Buildings Shake Up Boston Architecture

“Once a decade or two, Boston’s architectural establishment breaks out of its inherent conservative aesthetic comforts and heeds a call for some inventiveness.”  -...

Canada Offered Tax Credits For News Subscribers. It Hasn’t Really Worked

Rather than prompting new subscribers to sign up, “the people who would have subscribed anyway are using the credit.” Subscribers weren’t swayed because they...

Why The Netflix Bubble Is Finally Bursting

Netflix has nearly 222 million subscribers around the world, more than any other streaming company, and just last month it was forecasting eventually growing to half...

Big News: Scientists Are Redefining The Second (And It Affects Many Things)

For the first time in more than a half-century, scientists are in the throes of changing the definition of the second, because a new...

How AI Could Revolutionize Teaching

New tools could include an AI-powered virtual teaching assistants that help teachers to grade homework and provide real-time feedback to students, or that assist...

Could Subscriptions Take Over In The Gaming World?

Subscription and cloud gaming represents just 4% of North America and Europe game markets, or roughly $3.7 billion, according to a recent study Harding-Rolls. Of...

What Happens To Art And Culture In The Middle Of War

Unfortunately, targeting cultural treasures is nothing new in times of war, and history shows that there are often specific and deliberate motives for the...

Archaeologists Find Enormous Underground City In Turkey

The newly unearthed Midyat city dwarfs Derinkuyu in comparison. It could hold at least 60–70,000 people. - ARTnews

Inside A Bombed Ukrainian Cultural Center, Where Residents Have Taken Refuge

Much of the palace seemed like a snapshot of what was now a distant past: a bandoneon abandoned in a debris-filled room, along with...
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