ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

How James Corden Turned His Show Into A Social Media Phenomenon And Changed Late...

"What James Corden has done incredibly well is to leverage this TV content, and amplify it with social media to create fame." - BBC

Polish Government Replaces Museum Director For One More Ideologically Aligned

“I am not going to get rid of the conceptual art that was acquired for the collection and is exhibited. But I intend to...

These Are The Books School Districts Are Being Forced To Ban

The United States is facing an unprecedented wave of schoolbook banning. PEN America, a nonprofit that advocates for freedom of expression, tallied 1,586 book bans in...

Do Arts Non-Profits Do Things Backwards?

Solving the external problem has to come first. Then a good nonprofit strategizes the second part. Good faith efforts require that to happen in that...

Are Big Stars Still A Draw On Broadway?

You bet. The relationship an audience has to a Broadway star is all the more intense for being in-person. Knowing a body in space,...

Something New In Hollywood: The 50-Something Female Lead

It’s been a slow burn, but Hollywood is finally recognizing a trend corporate America long ago seized upon: The spending power of the 50-something...

Smithsonian Announces New Policy Of Ethic Returns Of Art

“My goal was very simple: Smithsonian will be the place people point to, to say ‘This is how we should share our collections and...

Is Historic Preservation Hurting Our Cities?

As many cities today grapple with unprecedented housing shortages and cost-of-living issues, the degree to which historic-preservation laws can function as a pretext for preventing change entirely...

A Military Expert Defines What A Coup Is

January 6th was an extreme attack. But it was not a coup d’état. Because a coup d’état is not a demonstrative action, where you...

How China Built Enormous Influence Over American Entertainment

China's growing clout in global media extends beyond movies to the entertainment industry generally. Capital investments by U.S. firms in ventures such as the...

Influencer Culture Takes Over Academia

In the persistent wake of the pandemic, the pressure for scholars to self-promote has only intensified. Starved for opportunities to share our latest findings...

Netflix Employees Worry Company Is Unraveling

The company’s response have stirred a mix of angst and uncertainty among many rank-and-file workers. Some are worried that the streaming heavyweight may have...

Fears About Disappearing Ukrainian Culture

Museum curators and conservators are especially worried that because of the amount of un-digitalized catalogues and other existing print materials in archives and libraries,...

Bet You Didn’t Know Hyphens Were Controversial

The hyphen underwent an assault from a different corner in 2007, when Angus Stevenson, an editor of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, removed the...

Does Playing Word Games Make Us Better?

At heart, they just expose our funny, brilliant, quirky humanness. We love riddles because they show how we’re “rationalization machines. We are great at...

How Maia Kobabe’s Graphic Novel Became The Most-Banned Book In American Schools

Suddenly, Kobabe was at the center of a nationwide battle over which books belong in schools — and who gets to make that decision....

The Global Phenomenon That Is Seattle’s Indie Music Radio Station KEXP

These days, KEXP has roughly 180,000 weekly listeners on the airwaves, 100,000 listeners online, and a YouTube channel with 2.69 million subscribers and nearly...

Against Performative Activism In The Arts

Signalling in writing or in speech that you’re anti-racist is entirely different to being anti-racist – that is, to doing the work to create workplace cultures...

How Gorecki’s Third Symphony Became A 90s Pop Icon

Unsurprisingly, the recording did not start life intending to keep the company of Madonna and Prince – but in late 1992 the symphony was...

The Links Between Music And Personality Type

The researchers found global correlations between extraversion and contemporary music; between conscientiousness and unpretentious music; between agreeableness and mellow and unpretentious music; and between...

UK Art Dealer: Brexit Has Killed Our International Sales

Since the UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, Shovlar’s income has dropped by 60%. He says trade with the EU, where 99%...

Portrait Of A Small Bookstore (In Film)

Tannenbaum’s GoFundMe didn’t just meet its target – staggeringly, it actually doubled its $60,000 goal in just two days of operations, instantly changing The...

The Fraught Relationship Between Publishers And Social Network Platforms

Despite 20 years of often difficult relations, a clear recognition of the “frenemy” dynamic at play, and the reality of intensifying competition for attention,...

Why Pessimism Is Useful

We are so quick to equate pessimism with passivity or fatalism or despair, and to reject it on that basis – for, of course,...

Why Kids Are Great At Philosophy

Children are sophisticated thinkers, more than capable of abstract thought. They’re creative too. Indeed, in some ways, kids make better philosophers than adults. They...
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