ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Douglas McLennan

Douglas McLennan
Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

New York Is Getting Rid Of Auction Regulations. Why?

Unlike the banking industry, the art trade has few rules that govern its dynamics, but for Americans it seems that even these are too...

How To Publish Books In Wartime Ukraine (It Ain’t Easy)

In addition to what was left behind at the office, there was another enormous problem for the publishing house: its warehouses are also located...

The Art Of Translating For Journalists

Translators do their best to represent the journalists conducting the interviews, while also acting — intentionally or not — as connectors across cultural divides. -...

Pianist Alexander Toradze, 69

During the second of the two concertos, he experienced acute heart failure while performing, but Toradze kept on playing, unaware of the medical danger. -...

Study: Brain Fluid From Young Mice Improves Memory In Old Mice

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from young mice can improve memory function in older mice, researchers report today in Nature. - Nature

The “Big Beasts” Of The 1980s Literary Scene

In the 1980s more writers were able to earn a living from writing – though those writers were, of course, largely male and, broadly...

I Feel Like This Shouldn’t Happen…

The rub for many is that the phrase sounds wishy-washy, as if there is an epidemic of hedging amid a new generation. Some have...

Breakthrough: Google Says It Will Pay 300 News Publishers In Europe For Their Stories

"So far, we have agreements which cover more than 300 national, local and specialist news publications in Germany, Hungary, France, Austria, the Netherlands and...

The iPod Is Finally Dead. Here Are All The Music Players It Vanquished

Some say it was overdue, some lament that it remains a missed opportunity, but the truth of the matter is, the iPod has left...

Ukrainian Dancers Have Spread To The Wind

Some have taken up arms in their country’s defense or have been working to get medical supplies to the frontline. (One died after being injured when Russian...

The Boston Classical Music Radio Station That Changed Its Approach And Won New Listeners

CRB’s recent listener data suggests that a growing share of younger listeners are responding to that sense of discovery. In February 2014 the median...

So These Are Just The Realities Of Trying To Sell Theatre During COVID

Even with understudies and swing performers, The Rep had to cancel 15 out of 49 total shows due to the quantity of cases and...

What Happened To Seattle’s Dance Scene?

The lack of support manifests in a dearth of affordable studio space, limited funding and fewer platforms for emerging artists to perform. It’s an...

Josh Hawley’s Copyright Law Proposal Is Deeply Unserious

This is not a radical rethinking of copyright. It is regression as a meme, a fart in the wind, an empty and cynical gesture meant...

Of NFTs, Art, And Cynical Branding

Setting aside the fact that this may be one of the most depressing sentences that anyone has ever written about art, if “branding” does...

Ukraine Makes Finals Of The Eurovision Song Contest

Ukraine’s folk-rap band Kalush Orchestra has qualified for the final. But the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which organises Eurovision, ruled that no Russian act would be...

Geroge Carlin Is Popular Today — Comedy That Outlives Its Time

Carlin is a venerated figure in his chosen field who unites performers as disparate as Joe Rogan and Jim Gaffigan, but he’s also someone...

How To Recover Post-Great Book

This "post-book blues" thing is a side-effect that doesn't seem to get mentioned much, if at all. It's not an in-person relationship as such,...

The Rise Of Right Wing Comedy (And Why You Should Take It Seriously)

While liberals lost their way doing “Orange Man Bad” comedy during the Trump administration, a new ecosystem emerged of right-wing comedians—on podcasts, YouTube, and, yes,...

The Difficulties Of Protecting Cultural Heritage In War

“It’s still a way to erase identity,” said Corine Wegener, on why culture continues to be a major target in contemporary warfare. Some 200...

The Decline And Demise Of Print Magazines

This accelerating erosion has not been big news during a time of pandemic, war and actual erosion, and yet the absence of magazines authoritatively documenting...

Apple Finally Kills The Iconic iPod

The iPod debuted in 2001, and it changed everything. While other devices existed that let you carry around your MP3 collection, the iPod quickly...

Netflix Says Ad-Supported Streaming Will Debut Late This Year

Netflix offers a variety of payment tiers for streaming access; its most popular plan costs $15.49 a month. The new ad-supported tier will cost...

Google Has Turned Off Ability To Buy Kindle, Audible Books In The Amazon App

When you visit the Amazon app, you can still buy physical books, but digital purchases now show a "Why can't I buy on the...

AI Is Creating Art. But Is It, Really?

What discussions about AI and creativity often overlook is the fact that creativity is not an absolute quality that can be defined, measured and...
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