ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Alan Harrison

Alan Harrison

“The Planet Will Be Fine. It’s the People Who Will Be F**ked.” — George...

The comedian’s late-career epiphany and the nonprofit arts sector begs the question: what happens when you eliminate “hope?” ...

Measuring the Arts is Impossible – Which Is Why Funders Should Measure Charitable Impact...

Imagine what would happen if foundations and corporate donors funded not by grantee promises or relationships, but by their deeds ...

Giving Tuesday Is Here Once Again, As Is This Popular Little Article - Just Another Gimmick?

(Originally posted October 2022.) I know. The latest data shows that ...

The 2024 Carol for Nonprofit Arts Organizations

The holiday tradition continues because we know you won’t read it. Photo by ...

The Case for Support: Arts Capacity Walks the Walk Among Nonprofit Arts Organizations

First, they define the community. Then ask what they need, not what they want. Finally, they don’t confuse it with ...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');