Have you ever been "upside down" in the marketing of a show - where you spent more on marketing than you earned in ticket sales? That's where this bright idea comes from. Let's admit that sometimes we present or produce works of theater more out of love than out of any expectation that we'll be able to sell tickets. Why must marketeers slog their way thru such efforts - when it so often proves that adage that the easiest way to make a … [Read more...]
Bright Idea: Report Card Rewards
To claim that Mimi's Cafe "delights the senses with cuisine that has a touch of "Gourmet Francais"" is probably grounds for deep offense among legions of French chefs - and the subject of heated debate among philosophers and physicists alike as to how incredibly small the measure of "a touch" must be. But Mimi's Cafe does something profoundly smart and simple that should serve as a point of inspiration... It's been a while since my kids … [Read more...]
Bright Idea: Sell Something Like Girl Scout Cookies
Why doesn't the arts & cultural sector have something to sell that's equivalent to Girl Scout cookies? I mean, why isn't there something that high school drama clubs, marching bands, dance schools, community theatre groups or others can sell that drives people to specifically participate in their community's arts & cultural activities. Earlier this week, I suggested a "universal gift card" - but today, I offer that idea with a … [Read more...]
Bright Idea: United Museum Renewal Services
Here's a bright idea from Peter Van Allen of Bryn Mawr, PA... "I am a member of a number of museums and nonprofits -- maybe 8 or 9 all together. So throughout the year, I'm getting an almost constant stream of renewal notices. I can't keep them straight. Why can't there be one company or organization that keeps all your membership information in one database? It could keep track of all your renewals, plus it would remind you of your … [Read more...]
Bright Idea: A Universal Gift Card for Arts & Culture
"The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas." In that spirit, AUDIENCE WANTED dedicates this summer to stirring up a potpourri of creative notions & half-baked thoughts around the purpose of growing audiences for the arts & cultural sector. Suspend practicality & judgment for the moment. We are just brainstorming here - with an emphasis on BIG thinking and CREATIVE efforts. Together, let's see if we can amass an … [Read more...]
It’s Time to Dream Again
On the occasion of its arts council's 50th anniversary, I was recently invited to Fort Worth to design and facilitate a "visioning" session by which 75 community leaders - representing an array of civic, municipal, political and arts & cultural interests - asked, "What investments in arts & culture might we make today that will pay our community dividends over the next 50 years?" Such a refreshing conversation! No speeches. No … [Read more...]
What We Forget
The work of arts & cultural marketing is a never-ending frenzy: pursuing PR, balancing budgets, gathering images, designing promotions, writing brochures, pulling mailing lists, designing ads, distributing fliers, reviewing sales figures, proofing draft after draft, scheduling mailings, managing print schedules, evaluating options, strategic planning, managing teams, coordinating with artistic, executive and board leadership AND SO MUCH … [Read more...]
4 Questions for the Arts & Cultural Community
Why is this night different from all other nights? Thus starts "The Four Questions" - the centerpiece of the traditional Passover Seder (held tonight) which recounts the story of the Jewish people's freedom from slavery in ancient Egypt. The Seder is more than a great meal with family and friends. It is an annual experience by which a Jewish family revisits the essence of its history, religion and culture in a way that conveys meaning and … [Read more...]
Rocco’s Lore of Supply (& Demand)
Remember the heat that NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman took last year for suggesting that the arts & cultural sector is suffering from over-supply? He was quoted by the New York Times saying, "You can either increase demand or decrease supply. Demand is not going to increase, so it is time to think about decreasing supply." As you may recall, he noted that the NEA’s 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA) reported a 5 … [Read more...]
Where Do Audiences Come From?
In just 30 seconds - and without words - this AT&T commercial poignantly answers the question of how a son receives the gift of passion for football. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAQddBxWlNA The answer is universal. The commercial could have been set in an art museum, concert hall, theater, science center, art studio or many such places. This is commonly understood. When we were young, we were introduced to experiences that … [Read more...]