In a “collective” – the component parts exist only to serve the good of the whole. There is no appreciation of individuality, independence, choice, creativity, dialogue, agility or soul. Collectives are imposed. As the Borg in Star Trek say, “You will be assimilated.”
“Collective” is NOT a synonym for “collaboration.”
Try gathering a group of people together to discuss HOW to address some shared need or pursue some mutual objective and it becomes quickly obvious that people make decisions for different reasons, at different times and with very different expectations.
The voluntary agreement of people (and organizations) to work together for mutual benefit requires negotiation – bourne out of mutual respect and individuality. Nobody wants their identity subsumed. Nobody willingly signs away the right to change their mind.
A collaboration actually draws strength from its diversity.
Collaboration is organic. Sure, its process can be frustrating, time-consuming and challenging. But its virtue is that it can be incredibly inclusive and robust – comprised of multiple strands and responsive to any number of changes.
“Collectives” may be efficient and able to deal brute force. But they are lifeless, dehumanizing entities.
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