This Week: Why should anyone care what we wear to the theatre?... Big Data is helping indie bookstores thrive... Are our concert halls too big for the experiences we want?... Some thinking on how to connect artists to the larger world... The politics of demographics and aging. Does It Really Matter What You Wear To The Theatre? A full-throated complaint about attire by … [Read more...]
Attention Deficit Disorder: Our Walled-Garden Problem
As the digital world pummels us with more information and choice, many of us react by walling off the things we simply won’t pay attention to. It’s a survival strategy. We increasingly define ourselves by the things we choose to pay attention to, and bestowing attention is a form of currency we are reluctant to squander. [READ MORE] Image: Flickr user colmmcsky … [Read more...]
This Week In Audience, When Fans Feel They Own The Art Edition
This Week: Are artists now a weapon for developers?... When fans as creators believe they own the artists' work... It's getting tougher to figure out which music is popular... Bots increasingly compete with audiences for tickets... Audio books have become a big market for publishers. Are Artists A Conspiracy Against Poor Neighborhoods? When artists move into … [Read more...]
This Week In Audience, Virtual Versus Real Edition
This Week: Is it possible that the virtual museum experience could beat the in-person visit?... After ten years, mixed verdict on whether HD streaming builds arts audiences... We need a new definition of selling music to reflect new audience realities... Will Pokemon Go change the ways we use public spaces?... We may have just seen Facebook streaming video's breakthrough … [Read more...]
This Week In Audience: Audience Confusion Editon
This Week: Pokemon Go suggests a different relationship between real and virtual, an art prize in which critics don't matter, museums challenge visitors to spot fakes, a French city that has reinvented itself around art, and a claim that modern audiences are confused and uncertain. A Milestone In How We'll See The World? Augmented reality has been around for a while, and … [Read more...]