For a second video interview for my Presenting the Performing Arts class at American University, I talked with Mark Nerenhausen, President/CEO of Hennepin Theatre Trust in Minneapolis. While my previous conversation with Pamela Tatge focused on the art and practice of artistic curating, Mark shared the many moving parts in animating and activating a building and a neighborhood through the live performing arts.

The Hennepin Theatre Trust was established in 2000 to oversee and operate the State, Orpheum, and Pantages Theatres in downtown Minneapolis. In 2005, the process began to transition ownership of the properties from the City to the Trust, as well. Mark joined the organization in 2017.
While the Trust is certainly a presenting organization, it is also a civic entity with a mission to “create positive change through the arts by bringing together people, businesses and organizations…” That means the performing arts season isn’t just an aesthetic and business balancing act, but also a resource to achieve larger goals.
Mark also shares that season programming isn’t as wide-ranging and open sky as some might think: Especially when major tours like Hamilton drive dates and decisions. Enjoy the conversation.