The National Endowment for the Arts offered a web-streamed panel discussion yesterday that’s now available as an online archive. The topic was ‘creative placemaking,’ connecting artists and the arts to efforts to make cities and communities more vibrant and engaging.
Participants included Richard Florida, Author, The Great Reset and The Rise of the Creative Class; Tim Jones; President & CEO, Toronto Artscape; Rick Lowe, Founder, Project Row Houses, Houston, Texas; and Ann Markusen, Professor and Director, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Carol Coletta, CEO of CEOs for Cities was moderator.
Worth a watch.
We have been working for seven years in a rural environment to combine Smart Growth with Creative Placemaking. I must admit that when we started we were not aware of these terms. However, all our goals and principles are directed to these concepts. The economy has made realizing the dream – but we make progress. Please visit us at I appreciate listening to the panel’s discussion and wish us all success.
John Crump, Managing Member