While I was wandering the wilderness away from my blog (lots of reasons, I’ll tell you over a drink sometime), lots of important and intriguing things happened in the arts world that I didn’t get a chance to share. Chief among them was a fantastic effort by Theatre Bay Area (alongside WolfBrown) to research and […]
Mr. Taylor Goes to Washington
News is out officially yesterday about a next chapter in my academic and professional career. After 17 years of service to the Bolz Center for Arts Administration in the Wisconsin School of Business, ten as its director, I have accepted a faculty position at American University to begin in the fall.
People in the middle
YouTube co-founder Christina Brodbeck is off on a new endeavor, a service to help couples stay happily together through mobile and social media. But her discoveries and advice from building that service offer some helpful insights for anyone who runs a relationship-related business (are you listening, arts organizations?). Rather than striving for efficiency and effectiveness, […]
Find (and share) your happy place
Mashable shares the news of a whimsical little app experiment called Happstr (developed on the “Startup Bus,” winding its way to SXSW in Austin). Happstr is a website designed for your mobile device, with geotagging, that lets you press a large pink button when you’re feeling happy, to mark the place (and the reason) for […]
I’ll return eventually
Greetings blogosphere. A series of unfortunate events have kept me from blogging for many weeks now. I am still working and thinking and moving in the world. Just unable to share much about it here. I hope to return soon.
Commitment phobia
Bloomberg offers an interesting article on a rising fear of commitment by consumers, in many aspects of their lives. Social and economic indicators point to rising lease vs. buy rates for cars, rising rent vs. purchase rates for homes, declining birth rates, and declines in long-term contracts (such as on mobile phone service).
Go big, or go home
Since Diane Ragsdale left her work at the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and wandered to the Netherlands to pursue a PhD, she’s been increasingly feisty about how the arts world works — particularly in the United States, as that’s her area of focus and experience. And I rather adore the emerging Diane (I was already […]
165 Ways to think bigger and think better
For over a decade now, John Brockman has been posting a single question to brilliant people, and gathering their responses. Past questions have included “What will change everything?” in 2009, or “What do you believe is true, even though you cannot prove it?” in 2005. This year’s question is particularly important and compelling, as it […]
Strategic planning in picture form
‘Nuff said.
Where image meets narrative
There’s extraordinary power in a thoughtfully conceived and artfully crafted infographic. When a complex dataset, process, or ecology is expressed as an image, we can see the whole and explore the parts. We can choose our own path to discovery, unlike most linear written narrative.