Even though it’s the first Thursday of the month, very few Pioneer Square galleries are opening shows tomorrow night. In the old days, when PS galleries marched in lock step, everybody opened on First Thursday and closed at the end of the month.
That 12-show a year schedule was tough to maintain. Too tough, plus, it didn’t allow for the work to sink in. Some galleries drifted toward 6-week shows, and others began to open and close when they felt like it.
But never have so few galleries debuted on First Thursday.
What’s there is top of the line. The usual others will be open as well, even though they are nearly all at the end of a run.
Matthew Offenbacher …
and Tony De Los Reyes…
open at Howard House.
Also, Tim Roda …
and Drew Daly …open at Greg Kucera. That’s all in the way of mainstream galleries. Fortunately, mainstream galleries aren’t the only ones in the Square. Soil opens what looks like a fascinating invitational lineup, and Punch is auctioning off its entire group show, $10 per ticket.
I’m in. Among other tempting offerings, the piece below, by Ries Niemi, is calling my name.