Into every life advice falls. Few things are as unwelcome, except if it comes from an artist who wraps it in spin. Such messages can be comically explicit, fearsomely obscure or rooted so deeply in banality as to turn on the light inside a cliche. (Previous post expanding on the theme here.)
What follows is a small survey of artists whose visual exhortations and aphorisms deserve to be cited.
Dave McKenzie, Self-Help Hyperventilation Bag, 2002 (Image via)
Shawn Wolfe, Panic Now
Zack Bent, 2007
Charles LaBelle Exterior Song, (detail) Hollywood, (Cracked Actor), Alley W Fairfaix N Beverly 2003
Jason Hirata, Untitled, from video, 2008
Marc Dombrosky Get Signatures/Drop Tub 2009, Embroidery on found paper, 5 x 3 inches
Squeak Carnwath, Good Ideas, 2006, Intaglio print, ed. 24, 12 x 12 inches
Mark Mumford, Break it Down, 2004 Color Lamda print, 40 x 29 inches
Allison Manch, Wink
Grant Barnhart, Beg For It, exhibit announcement card, Ambach & Rice