No one will suggest selling these dresses, suits, shawls, bandages and hats at Macy’s. Vogue will not feature them. Anna Wintour will not call. They are artworks with bodies inside them, and they come from a long and culturally diverse tradition. Below is a survey of lesser-known contemporary examples (not including the deservedly ubiquitous Nick Cave, for instance).
Carl Smool, a Joseph-Beuys suit worn by Michael McCafferty. (Beuys felt suit in the rear, collection, Seattle Art Museum. Photo, Robert Wade)
Tomiko Jones, from The Bunny Chronicles
Alice Wheeler, Self-Portrait as the Wicked Witch
Zack Bent, Clean Break
Mandy Greer, Hazel River
Lastly, Michael Cepress, crossover artist. Anna Wintour might well call him.