As a Post-Modern Surrealist my desire is not to be mainstream;
Instead, I want to be upstream, and continue going up until I evaporate.
I’ve heard of art being a kind of geological strata, with the famous anchoring the face of a wide seam until the earth rolls again, but not of artists as salmon, swimming up their own streams to leave what they have to give and then die.
In this context, the utter out-of-it of Sims’ (aka BRIMS’) choice (to be an echo), appears inevitable, a biological imperative to be true to his own extinct school.
This is a salute to the artists who are commonly thought to be going nowhere, who don’t rise to the level of being thought about but persist all their lives, leaving canvases rolled behind couches and installations in the attic. If anything they make happens to survive, who’s to say someone in the future won’t be thrilled to see it?