At this moment, my wife and I are attempting to guess that if the Turkish military invades northern Iraq, then will our long planned and long desired trip to Istanbul be ruined. Today the Turkish prime minister signaled that he would support an attack against the Kurdish rebels after the suicide bomb in central Ankara. Our plane leaves in 36 hours. In any case, Turkey, Germany or Florida, I am taking a vacation for two weeks from the Blog.
Here are a few sites of civicly coordinated volunteer artworks. Please send me more sites.
Postal Boxes in Singapore
Electrical Distribution Boxes in Brisbane, Australia
Electrical Distribution Boxes in Gilhorn, Germany
Painted Bus Shelters in Seattle Area, USA
Video on Santa Cruz, California Boxes
Boxes in Tampa, Florida
Boxes in Stamford, Conn
Hello & Thank You.
I appreciate Art It expands my scope and I use such offerings to stir current interest in the arts with my college students.
The face of education is changing and I try to spark an appetite for visual art by using the medium of greatest interest these days.
The international flavor of the site and cultural interest is a bonus. More than good note
takers and information regurgitators………I look for students who can go beyond my focus, priorities and prescribed curriculum to seek art information and experience which stirs them to their core and has them wanting more. Then they are more apt to share genuine excitement for the arts with their students.
Next semester I’m going to develop some assignments that bring them to this site and let them decide
which offerings have something for them.
Art is a key to survival in these questionable times. It is a place where we can find common ground and appreciate the creativity, diversity and originality in others as well as ourselves. The internet lets us
jump ship and visit museums all over the world and meet people who share common passions.
S. Foster, Ph.D. instructor
California State Univ. Sacramento &
Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
Hope the war doesn’t happen..Wow!!! what a creativity! Its looks awesome and I’ll send post and travel in the bus daily at least to take a look at this well-painted post-box and bus-stand…Thanks for the link…