A new episode of Three on the Aisle, the twice-monthly podcast in which Peter Marks, Elisabeth Vincentelli, and I talk about theater in America, is now available on line for listening or downloading.
Here’s American Theatre’s “official” summary of the proceedings:
To listen to or download this episode, read more about it, or subscribe to Three on the Aisle, go here.Today we talk to Tamilla Woodard, the co-artistic director of Working Theater and the Five Boroughs/One City Project, a multi-year initiative of the Working Theater. She talks with us about her experience growing up in the theatre community, including the time she spent in acting conservatory undergrad program
sand the insidious ways that racial bias influenced her time there; the Working Theater, its mission and its important site-specific and people-specific work; what we value as a theatrical community and how those values need to shift if we are going to champion a message that theatre belongs to all people; and the ways in which theatres are grappling with the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the recent police killings of black people.
In case you’ve missed any previous episodes, you’ll find them all here.