Time: noon. Place: A rental car driving down Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach.
HE They call this Billionaires Row. I looked it up this morning.
SHE I can’t imagine having enough money to buy that kind of house.
HE Me, neither.
SHE And I can’t imagine living in any of these houses. Don’t you think they’re tacky?
HE Mm-hmm. I bet there’s a lot of bad art on Ocean Boulevard.
SHE (enthusiastically) You know what I think? People with bad taste should have to give part of their money to people with good taste.
HE (thinking it over) Well…you wouldn’t want it to be too obviously confiscatory. It’d have to be more like a transfer payment.
A beat.
You could call it the Teachout Taste Transfer Tax.
SHE You take the fun out of everything.