This being an inescapably political week, I’m addressing a political topic–of sorts–in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal “Sightings” column.
My inspiration was a recent New York Times story called “Liberal Views Dominate Footlights” in which several American theater professionals were asked why the only political plays that get produced in this country are written from a liberal point of view. All replied that so far as they knew, conservatives don’t write plays. What struck me most forcibly about the story was its tacit assumption that anyone in his right mind would want to watch a “conservative” play that was the ideological inverse of the left-wing political plays to which my job requires me to subject myself from time to time.
I dropped that conceptual coin into my mental slot, and out came tomorrow’s “Sightings” column. Pick up a copy of the Saturday Journal and see what I have to say. It might surprise you.
UPDATE: Read the whole thing here.