As longtime readers of this blog know, I get steadily increasing amounts of spam and unsolicited press releases in my mailbox, thus making it harder and harder for me to winnow out the legitimate mail. In an attempt to get less junk and more good stuff, I’ve been tinkering with my spam filter, and the results have been…well, not quite what I’d hoped. On Sunday I deleted a couple of thousand pieces of unwanted mail, and now find myself left with seventy-seven pieces of what looks like wanted mail. I’ve just started to go through these incoming messages, but I’m currently bouncing from hotel room to airport and back again, so it may be slow going. Be patient!
In the meantime, please accept my apologies, along with a double-barrelled warning:
(1) I wouldn’t be surprised if some legitimate mail that was sent to my blogbox in the past couple of months got tossed out with the bathwater.
(2) I just raised my antispam deflector shield even higher, which will doubtless have the same result.
For both of these reasons, do write to me again if you wrote recently and didn’t receive a reply–but could you wait until Friday? By then I’ll have had a chance to answer my accumulated incoming mail.
Archives for June 2008
TT: Almanac
While over Alabama earth
These words are gently spoken:
Serve–and hate will die unborn.
Love–and chains are broken.
Langston Hughes, “Alabama Earth (At Booker Washington’s Grave)”