I’m off to Smalltown, U.S.A., where Mrs. T and my family are waiting impatiently for me.
I might possibly do a little blogging while I’m gone, but I expect to spend most of my time immersed in family-type holiday activities, especially since I just finished taping two TV segments and writing nine pieces in a row–five Wall Street Journal columns, three Contentions book columns, and a Commentary essay, believe it or not. (Don’t try this at home!)
Seeing as how the point of all this frenzied literary activity was not to have to do any writing in Smalltown, it strikes me that to blog from there would be counterproductive. So except for the daily almanac entry and the usual theater-related postings, don’t expect to be hearing too much from me until Mrs. T and I return to New York some time around the turn of the year.
In the meantime, may all your Christmases be bright–and may you spend them in the company of a loving family, traditional or otherwise.