The lovely Cinetrix took herself to see Little Miss Sunshine and confirms my strong preconception based on a viewing of the trailer: not so much indie-rific or indie-lightful as indie-rivative. (And. Can we talk about those terribominable Snickers ads that are dumbing up our freeways this summer and apparently causing me to write stuff like that? I mean, honestly: “Satisfectellent”? Tear them down now, please.)
Anyway, not only does the Cinetrix remove any lingering doubts I might have had about my summary dismissal of Little Miss Sunshine, she gives a welcome nod to a TT and OGIC fave from way back, The Daytrippers. We both liked this movie on general principles, but that Hope Davis-Parker Posey combo really hits Terry where he lives. Understandably enough–they’re both wonderful actresses, and casting them as sisters was a truly inspired move.
UPDATE: Jan Freeman of the Boston Globe is on the case of Snickers’ recent crimes against the English language:
Satisfectellent, similarly, is a monster mashup of an adjective. If it’s satisfaction plus excellent, then what’s the fect? And where’s the X that excellent so badly needs? Fectellent sets the analogizing mind adrift in the realm of infection, repellent, and other not-so-XLNT associations. Still not salivating here!
Yep, I had insect repellent rattling around in my head after seeing that one, too. Messaging mission unaccomplished, I’d say.