So Terry’s got laryngitis and I’ve got my parents in town. Advantage Ms. OGIC, by a very large margin, but in terms of blogging output, nobody wins. I’ll leave you, however, with a few good links:
– Robert Archambeau is very acute, not to mention downright hilarious, dissecting audiences at poetry readings. Poetry readings get a bad rap, he admits; but “what if a big part of the problem with poetry readings isn’t a matter of what’s up on stage, but a matter of what’s down in the seats?” (Via Dan Green).
– Peter Suderman argues that “classic TV” is not just a myth, and that the DVD medium overcomes the precise obstacles previously cited by my illustrious co-blogger to even the best series television attaniing the status of bona fide narrative art.
– Not a link but an observation. There’s been much ado about Marisha Pessl’s cause c