I just got off the phone with Our Girl in Chicago. She, too, was elsewhere last week, but she can’t tell you about it herself, because no sooner did she come back to the Big Windy than her hard drive started emitting black smoke, then went kaplooey and gave up the ghost. As of tonight she doesn’t have an Official Estimated Time to Return to Blogging (or e-mail, for that matter–be patient). I’ll keep you posted.
As for me, I’ll be taking the Metroliner to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday morning to attend a three-day-long meeting of the National Council on the Arts. I’m thinking of taking my iBook with me so that I can blog from my hotel room (which means, of course, that I probably will).
A more extended absence is in the offing, however: I’m off to Smalltown, U.S.A., on Sunday. It isn’t a vacation–my mother will be going into the hospital that day for an operation. Not to worry, it isn’t anything life-threatening, but it’ll be disagreeable at best, so I’m planning to stick around for a couple of weeks. I’ll be blogging from there, and you’ll hear about everything as it happens.
Given these distractions, don’t be surprised if I should vanish unexpectedly and without warning for a whole day, or even two. It probably means I’m in transit, or emptying a bedpan. Whatever it is, wherever I am, I’ll be back as soon as possible. Likewise OGIC. After two years’ worth of steady blogging, I think it’s safe to say that we aren’t going anywhere. We like it here, and we like you.