In case you haven’t noticed, “Sites to See,” the “About Last Night” blogroll in the right-hand column, is constantly changing–well, maybe not constantly, but fairly frequently. Our Girl and I both keep an eye out for interesting new arts-related sites (though sometimes the relationship is tenuous), and add them to the blogroll on a provisional basis whenever they’ve amassed enough of a track record to look promising. Sometimes they don’t pan out and we drop them (silently), but the best ones become permanent fixtures. The most recent additions are Artsfeed, Beatrice, Boomer Deathwatch, Danger Blog!, Return of the Reluctant, …something slant, Superfluities, and Symphony X.
If we were more conscientious (read: anal), we’d draw them to your attention on a regular basis. In fact, OGIC and I know we don’t do nearly enough link-driven posts, and we plan to do something about it someday, just like I plan to empty the mailbox once I get done with jury duty. (I swear!) For the moment, though, I simply suggest that you make a point of trolling “Sites to See” every week or so. Chances are you’ll find something new, or be reminded of something old that slipped your mind.