Dear Terry:
The Gender Genie is quite insistent: I write like a man. No matter what I feed it. I believe this will surprise you.
As for your critical andogyny, I can only surmise that the theater brings out your feminine side while music cues the testosterone. Nineteenth-century detractors of the novel routinely labeled narrative literature as feminine (and thus decadent) while lauding lyric poetry as a properly manly form. Without endorsing such dusty dichotomies, I wonder whether the Gender Genie–if we even trust it as far as we can throw it–is picking up on some difference in the way you respond to and describe narrative and non-narrative art? This seems like a stretch, but it’s all I’ve got!
Of course, I was disappointed to find that the Genie’s methods are not, at a glance, much more sophisticated than counting words. A self-respecting genie should work in more mysterious ways.