Time again for “In the Bag,” the game that challenges you to put aside pride and admit what art you really like. The rules: you can put any five works of art into your bag before departing for a desert island, but you have to choose right now. No stalling or dithering–the armies of the night are pounding on your front door. No posturing–you have to say the first five things that pop into your head, no matter how uncool they may sound. What do you stuff in the bag?
Here are my picks, as of this second:
PAINTING: Arthur Dove, Rain or Snow (scroll down to see it)
MUSIC: Maurice Ravel, Piano Concerto in G (slow movement, performed by Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli)
NOVEL: James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson
FILM: Roman Polanski, Chinatown
POP SONG: Lucinda Williams, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
Your turn.