Rifftidesers who live in or near New York City have the opportunity this week to hear and see together two musicians who have often received favorable mention in Rifftidesand elsewhere. Here is the announcement from one of them, the multi-instrumentalist Scott Robinson.
Hello everybody.

Just wanted to let anyone who might be in New York know about the free duo concert I am doing this Wednesday with my dear friend and colleague Emil Viklický, who is making a rare stateside appearance from the Czech Republic. Emil is perhaps the most highly regarded pianist of his country and we have participated in many projects together, going back to the band we formed in college in 1977. Please come out if you can… Happy New Year to everyone!

Emil Viklický/Scott Robinson Duo
Wed., Jan. 5, 7:00 PM
Bohemian National Hall
Czech Center New York
321 E. 73 St., New York City
You’ll notice that Mr. Robinson mentioned “free.” When is the last time you attended a free concert by two world-class musicians? For information about them and the hall, go here. To my regret, 3,000 miles of wintry distance prevent my being there. I’ll depend on Rifftides readers for their accounts.