The story about Dave Pell’s restoration of Lester Young’s Dolnet tenor saxophone brought a message from documentary producer Ken Koenig and one from Jim Harrod, moderator of the Jazz West Coast listserve. Each of their responses took the form of a photograph.
Mr. Harrod sent a copy of a Dolnet ad from an early-1950s issue of the magazine Jazz Hot.
Mr. Koenig took a photograph of Dave Pell with the resuscitated Dolnet, and Lester in the background, at the Los Angeles Jazz Institute’s A Swingin’ Affair festival over Memorial Day weekend. The most cursory examination of Mr. Pell’s head in comparison with his photo at the bottom of the previous exhibit will disclose that more than the saxophone has been restored.
The Rifftides staff thanks Mr. Harrod and Mr. Koenig.