As we all should know by now, there are many Katrina relief scammers attempting to profit from human kindness at the expense of the storm’s victims. Caution is in order before you give to any organization or person about whose credibility and honesty you are not certain. I knew and trusted Allan and Sandra Jaffe, who founded Preservation Hall. They were a selfless couple. Their son Ben, who runs the hall today, was a boy when I left New Orleans, but everything I have learned in checking out his stewardship of the organization leads me to believe that you can trust this pledge:
New Orleans Musicians
Hurricane Relief Fund
This fund is established by Preservation Hall to provide musicians with financial support during this tragic time. 100 % of money raised through this fund will go directly to New Orleans musicians.
Preservation Hall asks that you call 1-888-229-7911 and make your donation by credit card. Go to the Preservation Hall web site for more information. While you are there, view the ten-minute movie about the the hall. After you have seen and heard Louis Armstrong, Sweet Emma Barrett, Willie Humphrey, Dee Dee and Billie Pierce, George Lewis, the current band—and the people of New Orleans—you may decide that this is a city that will come back.
A sign on the back wall of Preservation Hall bandstand reads:
Traditional Request – $2.00
Others – $5.00
The Saints – $10.00
Listeners have been known to tip $10.00 not to hear “When The Saints Go Marching In” again. This fund is an opportunity to help assure that the option will exist because there will be musicians to provide it. Thanks to DevraDoWrite for calling it to my attention.
For news of the fate of the Preservation Hall band members, see Michael Brick’s story in The New York Times.