A copy of my new CD on the New Albion label, Private Dances, has just been handed to me. The official release date is January 22. My stuff never seems to get out quite in time for Christmas (this happened with Music Downtown two years ago too), but then, I’m not much for participating in American commercialism anyway. I guess.
Private Dances (2000/4), played by Sarah Cahill
Hovenweep (2000), played by Da Capo
Time Does Not Exist (2000), played by S.C.
The Day Revisited (2005), played by Da Capo with myself and Bernard Gann
On Reading Emerson (2006), S.C. again
We recorded at the Fisher Center (Frank Gehry-designed) at Bard, Tom Lazarus engineered the sound, and I’m tickled as punch with the sound quality. Sarah plays gorgeously. I’m greatly indebted to Foster Reed for his enthusiasm toward the project. Getting a CD out always seems to free up psychic room for new work.