Out There: January 2011 Archives

Susannah York in The Killing of Sister George.jpgI'm back in the writing saddle after quite some time, and it took unexpected memories of an underknown movie star to do it. The helicopter-shot hunting sequence in Tony Richardson's 1963 Tom Jones brought that equestrian cliche to mind, because in it a saddled Sophie Western is plucked off her runaway steed by a steed of another kind, the ready, randy Mr. Jones. 

Yes, Susannah York died recently. She had ensorcelled my adolescent eyes not once but twice, the second time as creepy Childie in 1968's The Killing of Sister George. We should know by now that public figures can inhabit one's imagination for quite private reasons, reasons I try to discover in an essay published today in the online Obit Magazine.

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January 24, 2011 3:32 PM | | Comments (0)


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