main: June 2008 Archives

Well, here we go again. You will remember recent discussion here and elsewhere about the almost-elimination of the position of music critic at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  A combination of local and national pressure reversed that decision. But now we have the situation all over again, this time in Kansas City and Miami. Here's a digest that appeared June 20 in In the News, the League of American Orchestras' daily newsletter to the orchestra field:

June 27, 2008 3:03 PM | | Comments (12)

June 11-14, 2008 saw the first true National Performing Arts Convention, a gathering of service organizations in Denver representing all of the performing arts. It is true that a similarly-billed convention took place in Pittsburgh, in 2004. But because that was a toe-in-the-water attempt, it was more a grouping of separate conferences with opening and closing sessions produced jointly, and one day (Saturday) of joint seminars and workshops that were not all that well attended, many having departed for home by Saturday morning.

June 20, 2008 2:49 PM | | Comments (1)

As I completed my tenure as president and CEO of the League of American Orchestras, I felt it appropriate to share with the delegates to our annual conference in Denver thoughts that I had been gathering during that tenure. Although I will continue to represent the League by visiting orchestras around the country, as I have for more than five years now, and will deepen my involvement with some orchestras by doing more extensive consulting with them, I felt that the conclusion of that specific position--and in fact the conclusion of 45 consecutive years of full-time positions directly or indirectly connected with symphony orchestras--was an appropriate occasion for reflection and observation. So I hope you won't mind my taking advantage of the opportunity of sharing that speech with you. Here is the text of the speech.

June 20, 2008 2:44 PM |

I have received a number of comments, particularly recently, asking why I don't explore the difficulties that some orchestras, such as the Columbus Symphony, are experiencing, and perhaps offer analysis and even recommendations for solutions.

June 13, 2008 11:17 AM |

I know I have written before about the topic of female conductors, and how this area has so completely changed during my professional life. But I have to raise it again because, well, it raised itself, in March and April.

June 6, 2008 9:57 AM | | Comments (7)


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