main: June 2008 Archives
Well, here we go again. You will
remember recent discussion here and elsewhere about the almost-elimination of
the position of music critic at the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution. A combination
of local and national pressure reversed that decision. But now we have the
situation all over again, this time in
June 11-14, 2008 saw the first true National Performing Arts Convention, a gathering of service
organizations in
As I completed my
tenure as president and CEO of the League of American Orchestras, I felt it
appropriate to share with the delegates to our annual conference in
I have received a number of comments, particularly recently, asking why I don't explore the difficulties that some orchestras, such as the Columbus Symphony, are experiencing, and perhaps offer analysis and even recommendations for solutions.
I know I have written before about the topic of female conductors, and how this area has so completely changed during my professional life. But I have to raise it again because, well, it raised itself, in March and April.