Orchestras and the League: Staying Connected Post-Presidentially

I've been asked a lot what I planned to do after retiring from the League of American Orchestras at the end of June. The first thing I have to clarify is that I am not "retiring." I am stepping down as president and CEO, because after 45 years of managing budgets I would like to stop (sort of like stopping hitting one's head against a wall). But I will retain a relationship with the League - spending half of my working time on their behalf, continuing to visit orchestras around America and reporting back to the League what I learn, while, I hope, offering some advice and counsel to those orchestras. In addition, I will remain involved in the League's conductor programs, and in some of their seminars and mentoring circles.

The other half of my time is still an open question, but I would imagine that it will involve consulting for orchestras in various ways, continuing to write for Fanfare magazine, and perhaps doing some additional writing as well. I cannot imagine not working - but I can imagine spending more time with my wife, and more time listening to music. And more time thinking - thinking about the issues that we face in the world of concert music, thinking about how to break down the barriers that we seem to have erected so skillfully, so as to have developed an art from that intimidates many people. 

And I plan to continue writing this blog, at least until my brain dries up completely, sharing thoughts that come to my mind, and those observations that accrue from my travels around visiting orchestras.

July 3, 2008 10:04 AM |



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This page contains a single entry by on the record published on July 3, 2008 10:04 AM.

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