Google “Obama” and “jazz” and this Jazz Beyond Jazz post comes up second! The search engine flatters, so here’s more research on the connection/support of the jazz world for the candidates, and the candidates of jazz (as a fundamental American cultural phenomenon).
This concert seems indicative of most jazz musicians’ preference:
(gen’l admission: $100; vip seats and post-show reception: $250; students/seniors, $50).
Comparable events last week in Cincinnati, Ohio and Oct. 12 in Kansas City MO, with Dick Gregory as keynote speaker on the occasion of his 76th birthday. This afternoon in Brooklyn, Jazz Passenger alto saxophonist/storyteller Roy Nathanson hosts a party at which attendees supporting Obama will call voters in swing-states, making the case. Further such jazz activism seems likely.
Not to be unfair to the other side: Google “McCain” and “jazz” and the top relevant result: the Senator flashing jazz hands.