o dear . . . this here color collagio seem to be perfuck’dly illustrating the kraut KFC acronymistishe klartext KENTUCKY SCHREIT FICKEN, no? mebbe i’m wrong BUT it smell a wee bit FLYPAPER, doesnt it? norm ogue mustill. well, to quote monsieur Claude Pelieu: ‘FLYPAPER –– a voice w/out make-up’ …
& no, i caint find no maxernst hook this friggen minnit, but look: JGB’s old buddy Ed Paolozzi way back in 1960 did a whole lotta collagios, over in hamburg (gastprofessur at hfbk), where he squeezed mekanikal illustrations into silhouettes of dancers, in some uhm quite intriguing manner, no? like fixing up mr james joyce w/ grete wiesenthal.. he did. ‘in the icy blackness of space.. the ghost face of hannah hoech SMILES’.
((weeelll…. WHODUNNIT? that sweet old col sanders cuntface? was it the SF earthquake ed himself…?))
((to me, the KFC product just looks like a bucket of turds? and that guy on the right, in b&w, looks a bit like tricky dick? honi soit, etc ))
o dear . . . this here color collagio seem to be perfuck’dly illustrating the kraut KFC acronymistishe klartext KENTUCKY SCHREIT FICKEN, no? mebbe i’m wrong BUT it smell a wee bit FLYPAPER, doesnt it? norm ogue mustill. well, to quote monsieur Claude Pelieu: ‘FLYPAPER –– a voice w/out make-up’ …
& no, i caint find no maxernst hook this friggen minnit, but look: JGB’s old buddy Ed Paolozzi way back in 1960 did a whole lotta collagios, over in hamburg (gastprofessur at hfbk), where he squeezed mekanikal illustrations into silhouettes of dancers, in some uhm quite intriguing manner, no? like fixing up mr james joyce w/ grete wiesenthal.. he did. ‘in the icy blackness of space.. the ghost face of hannah hoech SMILES’.
((weeelll…. WHODUNNIT? that sweet old col sanders cuntface? was it the SF earthquake ed himself…?))
((to me, the KFC product just looks like a bucket of turds? and that guy on the right, in b&w, looks a bit like tricky dick? honi soit, etc ))