“Whatever else there is to say, the guy is simply out of
his league,” we said. Charles Pierce, sitting in for Eric Alterman thank you, said the
else today in funny, exquisite remarks:
Holy Mother Of God
God knows we’ve all made happy sport of the Avignon Presidency, especially in this little
corner of the neighborhood, but I have never been afraid of the guy the way I was the other night.
Is there a single sliver of doubt left that the man couldn’t craft a coherent thought if you spotted
him the subject, the verb, and the unlimited use of Peggy Noonan? He marches blithely on, armed
with his own invincible ignorance, like one of the idiots at the end of the bar who believes he was
abducted by aliens in the employ of the Knights Templar.
“People who hide something are people who have something to hide.”
Jeebus Christmas, how do they stand there and listen to this scary charlatan? I’ve heard
athletes who never got out of high school evince more complexity of thought 10 minutes after
losing a playoff game. And without notes, too.