It was ’60s and ’70s hard rock. Jason Keyser, the AP reporter who filed the news
story from Falluja that U.S. troops challenged
insurgents to come out and fight by blasting rock music at them, identified AC/DC and Jimi
Hendrix as the artists whose music they used.
That at least shows excellent taste and probably that the troops got a kick out of the music
themselves, which they wouldn’t have got from the<
FONT color=#003399> rappers I guessed at.
Tactically, though, it makes you wonder why they didn’t blast some really lousy beats.
Keyser also points out that American popular music has been weaponized before — “to
help flush out” Manuel Noriega after the December 1989 invasion of Panama, and in 1993 when
the FBI “blared progressively more irritating tunes” at the Branch Davidians during a
standoff in Waco, Texas.