Over a two month period last year, TRG Arts and Engaging Matters partnered on a series of posts examining relationship building as the foundation of effective fundraising, marketing, and community engagement. (Relationships All the Way Down) Coincidentally, in the midst of that series, voters in Cuyahoga County overwhelmingly approved (by a 3:1 margin! Yes, you are reading that correctly.) the renewal of a tobacco tax specifically earmarked for arts funding. (Issue 8 Backers Declare Victory) Getting nearly 75% of voters to approve of anything is almost incomprehensible. That level of approval of tax money for the arts is for some in the U.S. nearly unthinkable. While there were many factors at play in that spectacular victory, one is certainly Cuyahoga Arts and Culture’s commitment to community engagement and, by definition, relationship building.
So, to fundraising, marketing, and community engagement we must add advocacy to the list of arts management functions dependent upon forming meaningful connections with individuals and group. (This is, of course, in no way a conceptual breakthrough. This is the nature of the political process and many, including me, have been talking about this in the arts for years.)
I am in no way qualified to discuss what happened in the Cleveland area. However, my friend and colleague, Karen Gahl-Mills, who is Executive Director of Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, has agreed to participate in our spring follow up to last fall’s relationship series. I look forward to learning more about how CAC built the good will to support this stunning victory and what the plans are for the future.
Stay tuned.
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Some rights reserved by USDAgov
[…] that people in the top … read more AJBlog: For What It’s Worth Published 2016-01-05 Public Policy and Community Engagement Over a two month period last year, TRG Arts and Engaging Matters partnered on a series of posts […]
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